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Human Statue Bodyart

Bodyart Music Videos Human Statue Bodyart

Human Statue Bodyart has assisted a number of music video producers and performing artists over the years.

As with many other brands and personalities, music videos are also looking to stand out from the pack, as are the performing artists who feature in them.

We are very proud of the work we have done with Sony BMG, Sony Playstation, Take 40 and EMI, as well as satisfying the special arts requirements of performing artists Lady Gaga, Usher Raymond and Katy Perry.

For more information on the work we have done with music producers and performing artists keep checking the Human Statue Bodyart official website, or better still call our company today.

Music Website Clients


Sony BMG  

Sony Playstation  

Take 40  


EMI Australia - The In Sound From Way Out  


Performing Artist Website Clients


Lady Gaga  

Usher Raymond  

Katy Perry



Body art is a powerful way to advertise products and services, using creativity that makes you look twice and really sends out a huge statement!

Examples include:

  • Clothing painted on bodies and decore
  • Bodies as imagery and logos depicting products and services
  • Decorated bodies holding products or catering food
  • Illusion based camouflage body art used to blend people into backgrounds or appear as objects
  • As an animated sequence moving over body


Body art can be used in many forms for events and product launches to gain media attention and create a unique and eye-catching piece of art for guests to talk about.

Examples include:

  • Celebrities and Models painted with logos or designs depicting the products or service launched
  • Dancers and Models painted to the theme of a launch or event (e.g. Jungle, Circus,60's 70's or 80s, Festival, Cabaret, Latin,.)
  • Dancers and Models as Statues on podiums or plinths
  • Live body art experience Demonstration: watch as a body is transformed before your eyes
  • Waitresses and bar staff body painted when serving guests
  • Camouflage body art where the bodies are blended into backgrounds and then appear or are painted as a logo or objects (This can be used in multiple bodies forming an image or themed design)


Body art can be used in fashion shows to accentuate designs in the form of:

  • Accessories painted onto bodies as ornate and colourful tattoos and body jewellery
  • Stockings painted on where the toes are seen, to create a unique illusion
  • Designers logos can be painted and incorporated into designs
  • Clothing painted as part of an outfit
  • Celebrities painted in designs depicting the designer’s range as a show-stopper
  • Ornamental statues as part of the set design