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Human Statue Bodyart

Bodyart Saturday Disney Bodyartist

Body Artist Eva Rinaldi is doing her bit for Humanity.

Eva Rinaldi decided to portray the 12 basic standards of living for a World Vision Calendar.
For the first time she used children as a human canvas.
“The theme of the calendar is to remind us how lucky we are-with clean water, food, housing and education” she said.
“ I chose to focus on the quality of life aspects that we take for granted.”
Ms Rinaldi said the calendar which took 3 months to complete, was a challenge.

The children certainly made it a worthwhile project.
She had to be patient, the children were fidgety and “laughed the whole time”. But it was never boring because the human canvas talks back at you” she said.
“ Being a single mother myself, I know how hard it is to raise a child on your own especially the people in poorer countries that don’t have the basic standards of living. I wanted to use my talent to get the message across.”
The calendar will be available in September/October from Newsagencies.
All proceeds will go to World Vision.
The Photo shoot of the body art will also be included in a segment on Saturday Disney on the Disney Channel 7 on the 17th of May 2008 at 8.15am.
I would also like to Thank the wonderful Photographers Rena Harvey and Mike Bridgett for the great Photography, a special Thank you to my body painting assistants Tony, Gabriella and Danielle.
I would like Thank all the wonderful models for making the pictures come to life, my son Joseph , Kayleb, Cheyenne, Mason, Macayla, Madsion, Jessy, Samuel and Lui for their great patience, and hard work. I know it was really ticklish.