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The majority of school zones operate between 8:00am – 9:30am and 2:30pm – 4:00pm on gazetted school days.
Motorists are required to drive at no more than 40 km/h through school zones.
There are a small number of non-standard school zone times in New South Wales.
These zones are identified by red/orange school zone signs which indicate non-standard times. Signs at these schools display the times which apply.
40 km/h school speed zones operate across New South Wales at all school sites on gazetted school days.
Body art is a powerful way to advertise products and services, using creativity that makes you look twice and really sends out a huge statement!
Examples include:
Body art can be used in many forms for events and product launches to gain media attention and create a unique and eye-catching piece of art for guests to talk about.
Examples include:
Body art can be used in fashion shows to accentuate designs in the form of: