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Human Statue Bodyart has worked closely with the Sydney Oprah Bar, a landmark hub of the world famous Sydney Opera House, for many years.
We were contacted to conceptualize and bring to life campaigns, live events and themed parties for the iconic bar.
Management and staff were encouraged to share their ideas for various themes and Human Statue made the visions a reality, on time and within budget.
2009 - Punk rock theme
2010 - Beer garden launch
2011 - Back to school staff party
Opera Bar has to be one of the world’s top drinking destinations and has long been recognised as the definitive beer garden.
Located on the lower concourse level of the Sydney Opera House, the decadent garden bar holds 100 patrons and features living plants, trees, water features and the city’s most breath-taking views.
Opera Bar wanted to celebrate the start of summer in the iconic harbour city in the most memorable way.
Celebrities and media flocked to the Opera Bar as they officially unveiled their temporary ‘The Best Beer Garden in the World’ installation venue.
It opened with a bang and Summer arrived just in time as Edward Woodley, curator and co-founder of China Heights, and the Rinsed Studio creative team transformed the usually muted landscape of Opera Point into a lush Secret Garden-themed oasis.
The space celebrated Opera Bar’s reputation of being possibly the best beer garden in the world and guests experienced just what that could mean.
Revellers enjoyed abundant sumptuous canapés including Sydney rock oysters, pork belly, hand-made gnocchi and miniature pannacotta and sipped Moet & Chandon, Peroni draught and cocktails that were as green and luscious as their surroundings.
Entertainment was provided by FatBack 4Way and Boogie Tech got the party started, whilst giant butterfly people, Eva Rinaldi's body painted Human Statue bodypainted trees, chameleons (Simpson), snakes(Fluffy & Monster) and lizards (Rusty) kept everyone entertained.
Guests included Nacho Pop, Maude Garrett, James Kerley, Snobscrilla, The Cassette Kids, Lizzy Lovette and plenty of others ready to kick summer festivities into gear.
Body art is a powerful way to advertise products and services, using creativity that makes you look twice and really sends out a huge statement!
Examples include:
Body art can be used in many forms for events and product launches to gain media attention and create a unique and eye-catching piece of art for guests to talk about.
Examples include:
Body art can be used in fashion shows to accentuate designs in the form of: