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Human Statue Bodyart was contacted by the management of Hettich to supply two 'Roman Goddess' models to compliment the companies latest award winning kitchens at their Sydney mega event.
Management, staff and guests were blown away, and word quickly spread across the home industry, with other companies lining up to experience the Human Statue magic.
Hettich is one of the world’s largest producers of cabinet hardware and fittings for the residential and commercial markets, with products at the forefront of design, innovation and manufacture worldwide. Hettich improve functionality and the emotional experience through sought after offerings such as:
- soft closing drawers with design elements that can be customised
- quality drawer runners
- the largest range of drawer accessories on the market
- award winning soft close hinges
- the latest European designed LED cabinet lighting
- increasingly popular folding and sliding door fittings
- overhead flap fittings
- decorative handles for a wide variety of applications
- and many more interior fitting solutions to improve the living experience
In addition to an impressive product range when you deal with Hettich, you deal directly with the manufacturer and Hettich fully endorse the drawer and hinge systems with a Lifetime Warranty that offers a fully replacement guarantee for that all important peace of mind.
To experience the quality and innovative range of products, Hettich has a nation-wide selection of hand-picked Hettich Endorsed Showrooms available in your area and specifically chosen for range, quality and outstanding customer service.
Hettich Australia
Body art is a powerful way to advertise products and services, using creativity that makes you look twice and really sends out a huge statement!
Examples include:
Body art can be used in many forms for events and product launches to gain media attention and create a unique and eye-catching piece of art for guests to talk about.
Examples include:
Body art can be used in fashion shows to accentuate designs in the form of: