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Human Statue Bodyart


To my mind it was perfect timing for Carlos Santana and his 10 piece band to return to Sydney on a black-ish, rainy night, full with musically

The hip and cool 64-year-old Santana created harmoney, excitement, and took audience members, news hounds and photographers to a sensual and sexy heaven, if only for a few moments.

Santana, the Mexican guitar genious has been plying his trade for the better part of four decades, and the dedication to their craft is absolutely evident.

Adding to the magic was co-lead vocalists Tony Lindsay and Andy Vargas, as they treated us to Black Magic Woman, Evil Ways and more. As usual us photographers didn't get to stay to the conclusion, but we sure caught the vibe and Latin fever.

Santana might just be the most distinctive guitarist of all time.  A few notes, and you know its him.

Hipsters, 'Sin City' Sydney may have been black and wet tonight, but thanks to Santana's sensual, stimulating and inviting notes, I'm going to spend a few more hours on Cloud Nine once I return to my heaven scent home. Yeah - work hard, play hard, and party harder.