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Human Statue Bodyart helped IGT stand out from the pack at the Australasian Gaming Expo.
Gold Fever Human Statues were created which complimented the gaming machines. The campaign helped further cement IGT as the worlds leading gaming machine manufacturer.
About IGT
Our company
IGT is a full service supplier of innovative, high performance games, services and systems to hotels, clubs and casinos throughout Australia, New Zealand and the Pacific Islands.
IGT Australia and IGT New Zealand are wholly owned subsidiaries of International Game Technology - the global leader in the design, manufacture and marketing of computerised gaming equipment, network systems, licensing and services.
Since launching in Australia in 1986, and then in New Zealand in 1988, IGT has focused on providing customers with the latest in gaming innovation, expert service and gaming systems management.
Our people
Games and systems are important, but our employees are our most valuable asset. We go out of our way to make sure that their passion, experience and commitment to innovation, quality products and work ethic keeps us at the forefront of customer service and grows in-depth relationships with customers.
IGT - a total solution partnership
Traditionally, IGT's strengths have been in designing a large range of innovative games covering all denominations - including a high performing range of link and multi-game packages.
However, we are now one of the few companies able to offer a total solution of games, game management systems and services. Every facet of a venue's gaming business is taken into consideration to ensure that a tailored suite of products and services is provided.
Our offices
IGT HQ is in Sydney and supported by sales and distribution offices throughout Australia: Brisbane, Adelaide, Melbourne, Canberra, Newcastle, Albury and Tweed Heads.
Global strength, Local focus
IGT's knowledge of the local marketplace, manufacturing capabilities and business partnering program, teamed with its global strength as the leading provider worldwide, ensures that we can provide Australian and New Zealand venues with a wide choice of the latest, innovative products and systems.