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Bridesmaids Australian Premiere by Eva Rinaldi - 14th June 2011
Sexy sin city Sydney was home to the Australian film premiere of the red hot male friendly - new era chick flick Bridesmaids.
Hundreds of fans and dozens of news media was on hand at Event Cinemas, George Street, to welcome in the talented and sexy stars.
The Sydney presser was pitched as 'Girls’ Night Out' and it must be said that the vast majority of the fairer sex doing the pink carpet (rather than red), looked delightfully delicious.
Picked as her best friend's maid of honor, lovelorn and broke Annie (Kristen Wiig) looks to bluff her way through the expensive and bizarre rituals with an odd group of bridesmaids.
Bridesmaids is a 2011 American comedy directed by Paul Feig and produced by Judd Apatow, Barry Mendel, and Clayton Townsend. The plot centers on Annie and her experiences as maid of honor in Lillian's (Maya Rudolph) wedding. Bridesmaids was produced by Apatow Productions and was released by Universal Pictures on May 13, 2011.
Music News Australia has learned the plot of the chick flick goes something like this...
Things aren't going great for Annie: she works as a pretty clueless saleswoman at a jewelry store after the cake store she opened during the recession went bankrupt, her only romantic bumper is a selfish mongrel who laps up the "sex buddies" relationship she is growing decreasingly fond of, she's stuck with a fowl Brit lassy and her obnoxious bro as roommates, and her relationship with her childhood best friend Lillian changes big time when Lillian gets engaged. Lillian then requests Annie to be her Maid of Honor, but also selects a foursome of bridesmaids: Helen Harris, the cashed up wife of Lillian's fiancé's boss and Lillian's new bosom buddy; Becca, a newlywed who enjoys marriage and feels sorry for single Annie; Megan, the zaftig and go getter sister of the groom; and Rita, a relative who is not happy with her marriage and three sexed up sons. Annie's drama filled personal life, short financials, and lack of confidence about Lillian and Helen's friendship begin to wain as the big wedding day approaches. Will the romantic affections of a handsome policeman turn the ship around for her, in time to truly celebrate her best friend's wedding day?
I sure hope any potential engagement or marriage of mine might go a touch smoother than what's exhibited in Bridesmaids, so to know who - make sure you take lots of notes in the movie.
Oh darlings, I'm pleased to report that our Music News Australia camera and videography team captured quite a few of the actors and celebrity A list with some stand out moments from the red carpet including a fun interview former Miss Universe Jennifer Hawkins..."looking forward to the popcorn", and American Kristen Wiig telling us she "just loved Sydney", and that we "must see the movie" and its also "bloke friendly".
Wigg's co star, "Our Rose" (Bryne) was super enthusiast and delighted when advised by our roving reporter that they heard it may be possibly some of her best acting to date, saying "Thank you. You must come to see the film".
Some media commentators are calling Bridesmaids 'The Hangover' for chicks, and there can be some comparisons drawn, but its far from being a carbon copy, with Bridesmaids being able to firmly rest on its own merits.
Men, we figured you might have wanted to know a thing or two about the current status of Australian Rose Bryne, so here goes...
Byrne was in a relationship with Aussie writer, director and actor Brendan Cowell for over six years. For much of the time their relationship was maintained at long-distance, with career commitments meaning they were often in different countries. Cowell moved from Sydney to New York City, following Byrne's success on Damages. The relationship ended in January 2010. Previously she dated Australian writer/director Gregor Jordan, who directed her in Two Hands. We understand Byrne is happily single, so there you go.
Delightful Rose who has received rave reviews for her performance in Bridesmaids as an uptight trophy wife, also shared what it's like working with Russell Brand, with whom she co-starred in Get Him To The Greek.
"Working with Russell Brand was a challenge ... you never know how he's going to be and you're working with someone who's had many colourful incidents. Yes, he's eccentric, but I would work with him again in a heartbeat."
Women will love the relationship dynamics in Bridesmaids, so might the men, but blokes will be wrapt to hear about the curves and sensual moments a plenty.
It's a great movie for besties or lovers to go and see on the big screen, and maybe an even better one to snuggle up with your special friend at home when it makes it's way to DVD and pay tele.
We love Bridesmaides. 4 out of 5 stars. As the movie says, Save The Date!
Kristen Wiig: Annie
Rose Byrne: Helen
Terry Crews: Boot Camp Instructor
Jessica St. Clair: Whitney
Maya Rudolph: Lillian
Event Cinemas
Universal Pictures
Eva Rinaldi Photography
Eva Rinaldi Photography Flickr