Body art is a powerful way to advertise products and services, using creativity that makes you look twice and really sends out a huge statement!
Examples include:
- Clothing painted on bodies and decore
- Bodies as imagery and logos depicting products and services
- Decorated bodies holding products or catering food
- Illusion based camouflage body art used to blend people into backgrounds or appear as objects
- As an animated sequence moving over body
Body art can be used in many forms for events and product launches to gain media attention and create a unique and eye-catching piece of art for guests to talk about.
Examples include:
- Celebrities and Models painted with logos or designs depicting the products or service launched
- Dancers and Models painted to the theme of a launch or event (e.g. Jungle, Circus,60's 70's or 80s, Festival, Cabaret, Latin,.)
- Dancers and Models as Statues on podiums or plinths
- Live body art experience Demonstration: watch as a body is transformed before your eyes
- Waitresses and bar staff body painted when serving guests
- Camouflage body art where the bodies are blended into backgrounds and then appear or are painted as a logo or objects (This can be used in multiple bodies forming an image or themed design)
Body art can be used in fashion shows to accentuate designs in the form of:
- Accessories painted onto bodies as ornate and colourful tattoos and body jewellery
- Stockings painted on where the toes are seen, to create a unique illusion
- Designers logos can be painted and incorporated into designs
- Clothing painted as part of an outfit
- Celebrities painted in designs depicting the designer’s range as a show-stopper
- Ornamental statues as part of the set design

- home
- Bodyart Dolls Human Statue Bodyart
- Book Circus performers and bodypainters Sydney
- Zues, Poseidon, Isis, Mythology Living Statues
- Editorial Bodypainting
- Australian Body Artist Sydney
- Take 40 Summer Stars Party poolside models
- Contemporary Dance with Bodypaint
- Live Statues Melbourne, Canberra, Goldcoast
- Global Colours Bodypainting
- Masquerade Live Statues
- Corporate Music Festivals, Awards, Promotions
- Living Statues in NSW, Melbourne, Adelaide, Perth
- Sydney's hottest media bodypainting, live bodyart
- Living Statues, Spartans, Mermaid. Greek Pillars
- Gold Living Statues, Abraham Lincoln live statues
- Sydney Town Hall Community events
- Carrie Blood Soaked Prom Dress
- Live Statue roving dancers
- Bodypainting for Football Clubs
- Bodypainting photo gallery latest designs and news
- Poseidon Live Statue
- Sea of Monsters Living Statue
- Greek Mythology Live Statues
- Zeus Greek Mythology Live Statue
- Stone Live Greek Mythology Statues
- Body Painting Stone Living Statues
- Bodypainting Catwalk
- Bodyartists Bodypainting latest designs
- Human Statue Bodyart Bodypainting
- Award winning bodypainting Sydney
- Bodypainting Corporate Live Statues
- Glitter Live bodypainting models
- Bodypainted Magicians Sydney
- Tiger and Lion Bodypainting
- Cricket Bodypainting Fast Bowler James Pattinson
- Cricket Celebrity Bodypainting
- Roving Performers, Roving Entertainers Roaming
- Bar/Bat Mitzvahs Roving Performers bodypainting
- Bar Mitzvah Entertainment, Bodypainting
- Live Statues Entertainment
- 20th Century Fox - Human Statues Last Supper
- Body Painters for New Years Eve Celbrations
- Live Statues Living Statues Sydney
- Live Statues Living Statues Melbourne
- Living Statues, Sydney, Melbourne, Adelaide, Perth
- Human Statues, unusual exotic acts,corporate event
- Corporate Living Statues in Sydney and Melbourne
- Living Statues Classical, Greco, Roman, Victorian
- Living Statues Venetian, Renaissance Human Statues
- Living Statue Corporate, Community, Retail, Launch
- Sports Themed Living Statues, Footballer Statue
- Sports Themed Living Statues,Footballer, Cricketer
- Live Olympic Sports Statues
- Live Statues, Living Statues, Human Mannequins
- Sports themed living statues, footballer
- The BMW All New X5 Bodypainting Launch
- Living Statues, Poseidon, Zeus, Hercules
- Live Statues, Hercules, Achilles, Alpheus, Athena
- Heracles Greek Mythology Living Statues
- Olympus Live Statues. Artemis, Aphrodite, Graces
- Ancient Greek Living Statues, Italian, Egyptian
- Bodypainting, Bodyart, Bodypainters Unique Talent
- Bodypainting performance, entertainment bodyart
- Body painting Zeus for Olympus poster
- Greek Gold and Goddesses bodypainting live statues
- Corporate Bodypainters, Bodypainting unique events
- Greek Gods, Myths and Legends, Goddess Live Statue
- Mythology Human Statues and Goddess Live Statues
- Bodypainting and Live Statues for all occasions
- Human Statues for Hire in Sydney, Melbourne, Bris
- Demigods and Live Statues in Sydney
- Poseidon god of the sea living statue, Greek Myths
- Living Statues, Demi Gods, Greek Mythology Statues
- Living Statues Medusa, Neptune, Statue of Liberty
- Wine God and Goddess Living Statues, Human Statues
- White Marble Living Statues, Muse, Buddha, Egypt
- Bronze Living Statues, Florence Nightingale
- Gold Living Statues, Oscar Living Statues, Sydney
- Napoleon Living Statues, Human Statues
- Winston Churchill, Jimi Hendrix, Safari Explorer
- Living Garden Trees, Cherry Blossoms, White, Oak
- Living Floral Arrangements in Sydney
- Living Trees, Palm trees, Maple trees, ivy vines
- Living Trees, Silver and Gold trees
- Bodypainting Sydney, Full Bodypainting, Latex, Art
- Melbourne Live Statues, Sydney Live Statues
- Human Nature living statues
- Body Painting Specialists, Face painting training
- Body painting International Performers
- Body painting Living Statues and Art
- Body painting Casino Parties and Tournaments
- Body painters performers and greeters
- Living Floral Arrangements Human Trees
- White Marble Living Statues, Dancing Ivy Vines
- Living Statues and Art, Sports Living Statues
- Living Statue Gargoyles, Grave Diggers, Witches
- Book a Human Statue in Melbourne, Adelaide, Sydney
- Book a Live Statue in Sydney, Melbourne, Adelaide
- Airbrushed Bodypainter models in Sydney
- Airbrushed Bodypainter Sydney and Melbourne
- Skin Body painter models Sydney
- Adelaide, Brisbane and Melbourne Bodypainter
- Live Statues for events in Sydney
- Living Statues for events in Canberra
- Brisbane and Sydney Live Statues
- Brisbane, Adelaide and Sydney Live Statues
- Brisbane, Melbourne, Sydney, Canberra Live Statues
- Corporate and Business Live Statues
- Corporate and business Live States Living Statues
- R and B Living Statues, Dance Live Statues
- Corporate entertainers bodypainting Sydney
- Corporate entertainment body artists Sydney
- Human Statue Jump out of shadow Sydney
- Shadow Warrior Human Statue
- Live and Living Statues all Australian
- Australia Wide bodypainting Sydney Canberra
- Live Statues for the Entertainment industry
- Live Statues for showbiz Australia
- Superhero Bodypainting in Sydney
- Demigod statues Hercules, Medusa
- Human Statues Demigod Statues
- Roving Performers based in Australia, Sydney
- Living Statues mining diamonds and gold statues
- Golden and Silver living statues for mining
- Golden and Silver Living Statues NSW
- Broken Hill Entertainment
- Bodypainting for regional NSW
- Bodypainting for rural NSW
- body painting Sydney events
- Sydney's premiere body painting for events
- Public relations Body painting, fashion, film
- Skin Body painter in Sydney
- Living Garden Statues, Living Floral Arrangements
- Character Entertainers in Sydney Australia
- Body painting for Mythology Living Statues
- Body painting Mermaid, Statue of Liberty, Angel,
- Body painting wine God and Goddess, Cupid
- Body painting cherry blossom living arrangments
- Body painting Goddess and Gods
- War Living Statues and Bodyart
- bodypainting in Sydney on facebook and google
- Body painting in Melbourne, Sydney, Perth, Adel
- Salsa, Tango, Hawaiian Hula human statues
- Entertainment Snake Charmers, Arabian greeters
- Fire Knife Dancers Human Statue Bodyart
- Arabian Belly Dancers Human Statue Bodyart Ent
- Body painting Mercedes Benz
- Absolute Vodka Body painting
- body painting for corporate events in Mel, Syd,
- body painting human trees and dancing vines
- BodyPainting by Human Statue Bodyart Sydney
- Body painting, Salsa, Tango, Hawaiian Hula, Arabia
- Arabian Belly Dancers Bodypainting
- Japanese Geisha Girls Bodypainted, Arabian Bodyart
- Ned Kelly, Prisoner, Warden Human Statues
- Body painting Ned Kelly in Sydney
- Body Artists, Body painted Models
- 2014 Bodypainting ideas for corporate events
- Bodypainting ideas in Australia
- 2014 New Years Eve Body painting in NSW
- Living Statues and 2014 New Bodypainting ideas
- 2014 Best Living Statues and Human Performers
- Live Garden Statues Living Garden Performance
- Live Statues for War Memorials
- Australian Soldiers, Anzac Day Live Statues
- Australian Soldiers, Army, Anzac Day Living Statue
- Aussie Australian soldiers, Army, ANZAC Day
- Australian Army Military Human Statues in Sydney
- Bodypainting Gold and Glitter Models
- Bodypaint Promotions in Sydney
- Bodypaint Promotions in Sydney and Melbourne
- Bodypaint Promotions in Sydney and Canberra
- Bodypaint promotions in Adelaide and Sydney
- Bodypainting promotions in Broken Hill and Sydney
- Bodypainted models and artists in Sydney
- Bodypainted for Sydney business events
- Bodypainting for Melbourne Sydney corporate sector
- Bodypainting custom bodypaint for Sydney
- Bodypainting unique out of the box entertainment
- Australia wide bodypainting business and private
- Media Advertising campaigns with bodypaint
- Media Advertising bodypaint images
- Entertainment bodypainting and bodyart in Sydney
- Airbrush bodypainting Sydney, Airbrush live statue
- Advanced Airbrush in Sydney Australia, Bodyart
- Airbrush Entertainment and Promotions artists
- Bodypainting in Sydney Australia Promotions
- Face and Bodypainters events season in Sydney
- Fitness model bodypainting in Sydney Australia
- Lion, Zebra, Hippo, Horse Bodypainting in Sydney
- Bodypainting in Sydney Australia, NSW
- Bodypainting Gold Living Statues in Sydney
- Living Trees, Maple, Living Floral Arrangements
- Safari Living Statues, Golf Living Statues, Chef
- wine god and goddess live statues
- Vintage Sports Living Statues in Sydney
- Living Statues for red carpet premieres
- Hot Trends bodypainting in Sydney
- Dancing Living Vines for Weddings Sydney
- Bodypainting Sydney Australia corporate logos
- Celebrity Bodypainting in Sydney Australia
- Demigods Sydney
- Human Statue Gods and Goddess Sydney
- statuesque demigods
- mythical Greek god of the sea human statues
- Human Statue Cycling in Sydney
- Living Statues reading a newspaper on train
- Classical Greek demigods in Sydney Australia
- Living Statues queuing for coffee in Sydney
- Sea of Monsters on Blu-ray Living Statues
- movie human statues
- Live Living Statues for pr Launches
- Demigods costumes, Shields and Speers bodyart
- DVD by Twentieth Century Fox living statues
- Classical Living Statues in Sydney, Demigods
- Body Painting live living statuesque
- Greek Gods Body Painting Sydney Australia
- Body painting underwear bikini sydney
- Living Art Models
- Moving Art Statues in Sydney
- Body painting fashion art living statues
- Living Art human statues in Melbourne, Body paint
- Body Artists in Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane, Perth
- Live Body art models in Sydney and New Zealand
- Living model Statues for events in Sydney
- Optus bodypainting in Sydney
- Living Statues Bodypainting events International
- Bodypainting events in regional galleries
- Still Living Statues in Melbourne and Sydney
- Live moving statues, Body paint movement statues
- Bodypainters live movement statues
- Cricket Live Statues in Melbourne and Sydney
- Living Art for Sydney Events
- Living and Moving Art in Sydney and Melbourne
- Moving Art in Melbourne and Sydney
- Living Art Statues for Galleries in Sydney
- Australian Living and Moving Art Statues
- Bodypainting for Cabaret and Burlesque events
- Cricket Bodyart in Sydney Costume Party
- Human Statue Cricket Players
- One Day Cricket Test Human Statues Sydney
- Cricket Human Statues Male and Female
- Bodypainting Cricket Bodyart Human Statues
- Cricket Human Statue Bodyart Best Dressed Comp
- One Day Cricket Test Costume Bodyart
- One Day Test Cricket Sydney Cricket Ground bodyart
- Live Art in Sydney
- Human Mime Statue
- Mime Statue for events
- Living Mime Statue for Melbourne
- Mime Performing Human Statue Body Art
- Human Statues, Mime Performer Sydney, Melbourne
- Human Statue, Mime Performer Sydney, Melbourne
- AFL Football Human Statues Adelaide
- Adelaide Human Statues in Adelaide
- Sydney AFL Football Human Statues Bronze
- Bronze Female Human Statues
- Bronze Live Statues for Football Clubs Sydney
- AFL in Melbourne, Adelaide Human Statue Sydney
- Live Bodypainting Streaming on News Media
- Sculpture Human Statues for AFL Clubs
- Australia Day bodypainting ideas in Sydney
- Cupid Human Statues in Sydney Australia
- bodypainters in Australia
- best bodypainters in Sydney Australia
- the best creative artists in Sydney
- Australia Day live entertainers moving art
- Australia Day Body Art and Living Statues
- Arabian bodypainting in Sydney
- Arabian Bodyartists
- Live Living Statues Australian Themes
- Celebrity Bodypainters in Sydney, Melbourne, Adel
- AFL Bodyart in Sydney, Adelaide, Perth, Melbourne
- Bodypainter in Sydney Suburbs Human Statue Bodyart
- Peugeot bodypainting stand
- Tennis, cricket, soccer bodypainting
- Bodypaint for real estate promotions
- Body paint Best body paint art
- 15th World Bodypainting festival
- Tennis Human Statues in Sydney, Melbourne, Perth
- Bodypainting in Sydney Cricket Celebs
- Cupid Living Statues
- Valentines Day Human Statues
- Body painting Valentines Day in Sydney
- Human Statue Bodyart Valentines Day
- Body painting for Pr and Publicity Campaigns
- Window bodyart demonstrations Westfield
- Body Painting Mythology Body art Human Statues
- live statues for roadshow events bodyart
- Live Statuess modern masquerade entertainers
- Roving entertainers masquerade themed events
- Moving Art entertainers and models bodypainted
- Human Statues for International campaigns
- Masked roving entertainers for Sydney
- Masked Roving Entertainers for Sydney, Melbourne
- Masquerade entertainment and entertainers in Syd
- Creative Arts Entertainment Agency Bodypainting
- Event ideas for publicity campaigns Human Statue
- Event Ideas for promotions in Sydney
- Australia's number one Human Statues
- Living Statues on Internet, Sydney, Melbourne,
- Professional Entertainment for sports events
- Sea Creature Human Statues
- Life Saver Human Statues
- Sports Living Statues for Sydney, Melbourne
- Look - a- Like entertainers for Sydney
- Greek Mythology Living Statues
- Venetian Human Statues in Sydney
- Masquerade Human Statues Venetian models
- Unique Masquerade Human Statues
- Professional Entertainment for sports awards
- Sports Living statues in Canberra and Sydney
- Bodypainted Dancers for Australian Events
- Human Statue Events
- Out Of The Box Events in Sydney, Melbourne, Bris
- Models and Hostesses Human Statue Bodyart
- Human Statue Bodyart for Carnival and Festivals
- Public Events Human Statue Bodyart
- Artist Booking Human Statue Bodyart
- Human Statues in Dubai
- Mardi Gra Live Costume Design and Bodypainting
- Bodypainting for Sydney Mardi Gras
- Bodypainting for Sydney Mardi Gras creative
- Mardi Gra Fair Day Bodypainting Mr Fair Day winner
- Bronze Cricketer Human Statue Bodyart
- Vodafone Human Statues
- Arabian Nights Bodypainting Human Statues
- Australiana Living Statues and Bodypainting
- James Bond Bodypainting Human Statues
- Circus Human Statue, Bodypainting
- Enchanted Garden Human Statues
- Beach Human Statues, Bodypainting beach ideas
- Hollywood Human Statues, Bodypainting
- Bollywood Human Statues and Bodypainting
- Jungle Fever Human Statues, Bodypainting
- Casino Human Statues, Live Statues, Bodyart
- Nautical Human Statues, live statues
- Nautical living statues
- Alice in Wonderland Human Statues
- Top Human Statue Themes
- old Living Statues for Art Installation
- Live Perfrmance Living Art - Human Statue Bodyart
- Living Art Installation Museum Living Art
- Jean Paul Gaultier Installation Living Mannequins
- Edgy and elegant Human statue manequinn
- Mannequin Living Art
- Mannequin Living Art Human Statue Bodyart
- The Living Mall Human Statues
- Costume design living art installation live statue
- bodypainting showcase in Sydney and Melbourne
- Bodypainter available in Sydney
- Bodypainting artists available in Sydney and Melb
- Mardi Gras Parade Bodypainting
- Mardi Gras Bodyart and Bodypainting
- Human Statue Busking in Sydney, Brisbane
- Busking Human statues for Canon
- Human Statue Busker in Sydney, Melbourne
- Busker Human Statues in Sydney and Brisbane
- Body Painting Busking Human Statues
- Oscar Party Human Statues
- St Patricks Day Human Statues
- Ninja Living Statue Entertainment
- Superhero Living Statue Entertainment
- 1980 Living Statues in Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane
- Rock n Roll Living Statues
- Mick Jagger Covers Human Statue
- Bodypainting Mick Jagger Arts Gallery
- Busker Live Statues in Sydney
- Busker Living Statues in Sydney and Melbourne
- Living Human Statues in Sydney, Melbourne,Adelaide
- Noahs Ark Human Statue
- Viking Living Statues
- Mardi Gras Bodypainting and Bodyart
- Viking Human Statues and Biblical Live Statues
- Movie Trailer Human Statues
- Celebrity Living Statues and Legends
- Noahs Ark Living Statues
- Hercules Living Statues
- Pompeii Living Statues
- bodypainting Pompeii Living Statues
- 300 Riseof the empire human statues
- Pompeii Live Statues
- Noah Living Statues
- Rise of the Guardians Living Statues
- Human Statues of Canon
- Human Statues of Canon Australia
- Mad Max 4 Living Statues
- Son Of God Live Human Statues
- Godzilla Living Statues
- Human Statue Casting
- Captain America - The Winter Soldier live Statue
- Avatar 3, James Bond, 007, Robpo Cop Human Statues
- Human Statue Casting Agency Living Statues
- Human Statue Greeters in Sydney
- Australia's Entertainment Agency in Sydney
- Corporate Entertainment in Sydney Australia
- Bodypainting Entertainment Agency
- Australian Entertainment consultants live statues
- AFL Premiere season Human Statues
- Samsung Galaxy Human Statue
- Samsung Galaxy Human Statues and Living Sculptures
- The Samsung Galaxy Living Statues
- Living Statues from History- Human Statue Bodyart
- Human Statues and Fairy Fantasy
- Metallic Gold Human Statues
- 1920's Hostesses and Living Statues
- The Great Gatsby Living Statues
- Themed Dancers and Living Statues
- Roller Themed Hostess Live Statues
- Meerkats Human Gold Statues
- Aphrodite Living Statues in Sydney and Melbourne
- Diana Human Statue Goddess of the Hunt
- Samsung Galaxy 5 Living Statue
- Athena Living Statues in Sydney and Melbourne
- Canon Living Statues
- Human Statues for rental in Sydney, Melbourne
- Sydney Town Hall Living Statues
- Bodypainting Samsung Galaxy TVC
- Sydney Town hall Live Statues
- Oasis Ball Campaign Gold Oscar Living Statues
- Crown Perth Ballroom Entertainment
- Travel Human Statues in Sydney and Melbourne
- Women Say Something Human Statue
- Jesus Christ Human Statue
- Son Of God Human Statues in Sydney
- Body artist and Human Statue designer
- Human Statue Oasis
- NewsCorp Human Statue Oscar
- Jesus Mary and Joseph Living Statues
- Human Statue of Jesus Rion De Janeiro
- Christ The Redeemer Living Statue
- Catholic Human Statues
- Religious Human Statues
- mardi gras human statue
- Bodypainting in Sydney Bodyartists and Bodypainter
- Newscorp Living Statues
- Bodypainting for Newsscorp in Perth
- Body Artists for NewsCorp
- Body artists for Video Productions
- Out of the Box entertainment in Sydney
- insurance entertainment human statue bodyart
- Jockey Bodypainting
- Bodypainting for Films in Sydney and Melbourne
- Lookalike models for film and tv Sydney
- Custom made podiums and plinths for Human Statues
- Oscar Living Statues
- Bodypainting in NSW and Adelaide, Perth, Melbourne
- Bodyartists for Bodypainting Hire in NSW
- Body painting Campaigns in Sydney
- Bodypainting artwork in Sydney
- Bodypainting Photography in sydney
- Bodypainting photos from Sydney
- Body painting and art: Sydney, NSW
- Bodypainting professionals in Sydney, NSW
- Bodypainting professional in Melbourne, VIC
- Bodypainting moving art in Sydney
- Bodypainting models from Sydney
- Bodypainting advertising in Sydney
- Bodypaint advertising in Sydney
- Bodypainting advertising in Sydney and Melbourne
- Bodypaint Marketing in Sydney and Melbourne
- Bodypainting Marketing in Sydney and Melbourne
- Bodypainting photography from Australia
- Bodypainting and live statues: Sydney, NSW
- Bodypainting for art galleries Australia
- AGL Human Entertainment, Human Statues
- Telstra Human Entertainment
- Shopfront Window bodypainting in Pitt Street Syd
- Pr and public relations bodypaint
- bodypainting artists in nsw
- Sculpture Human Statue entertainment
- TVC Busker human statue performers
- Human Statue Bodyart Media Campaigns
- Human Statue Bodyart Melbourne Campaigns
- Human Statue Bodyart Australian brands
- Human Statue Bodyart Business Insurance
- Human Statue Bodyart Melbourne Business
- Human Statue Bodyart NSW and Victoria Events
- Human Statue Bodyart Statue of Liberty
- Human Statue Bodyart Photographic Portfolio
- Human Statue Bodyart Brand Portfolio
- Marketing Campaigns via Human Statue Bodyart
- TV and Advert Portfolio Living Statues
- TV and Advertising Portfolio - Bodypainting
- Living Art for Australian Galleries
- Event Ideas for Mining and Big Business
- Advertising agencies via Human Statue Bodyart
- Creative agencies portfolio, Sydney, Melbourne
- Campaigns in Australia: Campaign Brief
- Body Painting for Carrie DVD Campaign
- body painting TV commercials
- body painting SFX Events
- Bodypainting for DVD campaigns
- So You Think You Can Dance Body Painting
- Body Painting Dancers So You Think You Can Dance
- Bodypainting for Peta
- SBS Bodypainters
- Book Circus performers and bodypainters Sydney
- Bodypaint Trees Human Statue Bodyart
- Bodypaint Bodyparts Human Statue Bodyart
- Bodyartist Beach Swimwear Human Statue Bodyart
- Avatar Bodyart Human Statue Bodyart
- Bodypainting Superheroes Human Statue Bodyart
- Bodyartist Flags
- Human Statue Bodyart 3 Colours
- Kiss Bodyart Makeup
- Human Statue Bodyart Floral
- Christmas Bodyart
- Bodyart Mexican
- Human Statue Bodyart Music
- Human Statue Bodyart Lamps decore
- Human Statue Bodyart Superheros Sydney
- Bodyart Boxing
- Bodyart Tribal
- Human Statue Bodyart Punk
- Human Statue Bodyart Sports
- Human Statue Bodyart Lounge Chairs
- Human Statue Bodyart Zebra Bodyart
- Human Statue Bodyart Cars and Trams
- Bodyartist Acrobat
- Statue Bodyart Liberty
- Italian Living Human Statue Sydney
- Cabaret Burlesque Human Statue Bodyart
- Australasian Gaming Expo
- Extreme Cabaret Zeta Bar Sydney Australia
- Hilton Hotel Zeta Bar 'Extreme Cabaret'
- Hilton Hotel Extreme Cabaret
- Extreme Cabaret Zeta Bar Hilton Halloween Girl
- Mermaid Human Statue Bodyart
- Ronald McDonald TVC
- Bell Boy
- Roving Performers
- Actors, Models
- Bodypainting Sydney
- Bodypainting Australia
- Bodyart Sydney
- Bodyart Australia
- Golden Bodypainting
- Bodypainting Melbourne
- Bodypainting Brisbane
- Bodypainting Adelaide
- Bodypainting Perth
- Bodypainting Darwin
- Bodypainting Alice Springs
- Bodypainting Canberra
- Bodypainting Cairns
- Bodypainting Gold Coast
- BodyPainting Sydney Australia NSW
- Body Art for special promotions - Airbrush
- Body Painting from Sydney's Gay and Lesbian Mardi
- Body Art > Entertainers, Sydney
- Mascots
- Australia Bodypaint
- Sydney Australia Bodyartist
- Bodypainter Eva Rinaldi
- Bodypainting Artists
- Bodypaint Artist
- Bodypaint Model
- Bodypaint Models
- Bodypaint Corporate
- Bodypainting Fashion
- Bodypainting Event
- Bodypainting Campaigns
- Bodypainting Agent
- Bodypainting Agency
- Bodypainting Entertainer
- Bodypaint Entertainers
- Bodypaint Entertainment
- Bodypainting Website
- Bodypainting Website Portal
- Bodypainting Expert
- Bodypainting Education
- Bodypainting Educator
- Bodypainting Teacher
- Artists
- Bodypainting News
- Bodypainting Illustrator
- Bodypainting Skin Illustrator
- Bodypainting Sculpter
- Bodypainting Window Demonstration
- Bodypainting Window Display
- Bodypainting Live Demo
- Bodypaint
- Bodypaint Publicity
- Sales and Marketing Conference
- Bodypainted Centerfold
- Bodyart Celebrity
- Bodyart Photography
- Human Statue Entertainment
- Wow Factor Bodypaint
- The Artist
- Bodypainting Exhibitions
- Live bodypainting Installations
- Bodypaint Collections
- Bodypaint Photographer
- Bodypainting NSW
- Bodyartist Sydney City
- Living Statues Sydney Australia
- bodypainter Sydney Australia
- Motor Sport Bodypainting
- Bodypainting Olympic Games
- Artist Bodypainter Sculpter
- Bodypainting Talent Management
- Artist Skin Illustrator, Photographer
- Mermaid Coney Island
- City to Surf Bodypaint
- Bodyart Butterly Sydney
- bodypaint Mermaid
- Coney Island Bodypaint
- Australasian Gaming Expo Trade Exhibition
- Marie Antoinette Costume
- Bodypaint Australia Entertainers Models
- Character Entertainers Sydney
- Airline Pilot Costume Entertainers
- Alice in Wonderland Entertainers
- Dorothy Entertainers
- Pirate Entertainers
- Princess Entertainers
- Frog Entertainers
- Airline Hostess Entertainers
- Pilot Entertainers
- School Girl Entertainers
- Little Red Riding Hood Entertainers
- Cleopatra and Antony Entertainers
- Gangster Entertainers
- French Maid Entertainers
- Surgeon Entertainment
- Nurse Entertainment
- Animal Print Entertainment
- Human Statues Sydney
- Human Statues Brisbane
- Human Statues Melbourne
- Human Statues Perth
- Human Statues Adelaide
- Living Human Statues Sydney
- Living Human Statues Melbourne
- Living Human Statues Perth
- Living Human Statues Adelaide
- Living Human Statues Brisbane
- Bodypainting Sydney Human Statues
- Bodyartist Sydney Australia
- Body Art for special promotions Airbrush bodypaint
- Eva Rinaldi Bodyartist
- Human Statue Bodypainting Sydney
- Human Statue Bodypainting Melbourne
- Human Statue Bodyart Adelaide
- Human Statue Bodypainting Sydney Australia
- Bodyartist NSW Athena, Artemis, Poseidon, Ares
- Bodypainters NSW
- Bodypainters Australia
- Airbrush Art Australia
- Airbrush Art Sydney
- Airbrush Bodypainting Promotions
- Bodypainting Branding
- Bodypainting Marketing
- Bodypainting Bodyart and Airbrush
- Australian Bodypainting
- Australian Bodyart
- Bodyart Website
- Creative Arts Campaign
- Bodypainting Information
- Sydney CBD Bodypainting
- Award Winning Bodypainting and Bodyart
- Bodypainting artwork examples
- Australian bodypaint artist
- Bodypainter and bodyartists Sydney Australia
- Bodypainting for business
- Bodypainting for corporates and business
- Bodypainting for event promotion
- Bodyartist Sydney Melbourne Adelaide
- Bodypainter Sydney, Melbourne, Adelaide
- Artist Sydney Australia
- Airbrush Sydney Artist
- Bodyart and Bodypainting
- Body Art Sydney
- Body Art NSW
- Body Painter Sydney
- Body Painter
- Promotional Bodyart
- Bodyart Promotion
- Airbrush Bodyartist Sydney Australia
- Bodyartist Sydney Human Statue Bodyart
- Bodyartist Corporate Events
- Bodyartist for Special Promotions and events
- Airbrush Bodypainting Sydney
- Eastern Suburbs Bodypaint
- Inner City CBD Bodypaint Sydney
- Halloween Bodypaint Sydney Australia
- Moulin Rouge Bodypaint Sydney
- Festivals Bodyart Sydney Australia
- Mermaids Sydney Bodyart Bodypaint
- Mermaids Sydney Bodyart Bodypaint
- PR Launch Bodypaint Sydney
- Bodypaint Product Launches Sydney
- Movie Premieres
- Superheros Bodypaint
- Clubs
- Nightclubs
- Neon Mermaid Bodypaint
- Glow in The Dark Bodypaint
- Mid Coast Bodypaint
- Napoleon Living Statue
- Napoleon Human Statue
- Body Art for special promotions - Airbrush bodyart
- Airbrush Promotions Sydney
- Airbrush Promotions Sydney Australia
- Body Art Sydney Promotions - Airbrush bodyart
- Sydney Airbrush Promotions Sydney Australia
- Body Art for event promotions - Airbrush bodyart
- Airbrush bodyart Body Art for special promotions
- Advertising Bodyart NSW, MELBOURNE, AUSTRALIA
- Santa Clause Human Statue
- Santa Clause Entertainment
- Futuristic Entertainment
- Churches Human Statue Bodyart
- Christmas models
- Hail Mary Costumes
- Christmas Icons
- Bucks and Hens Parties
- Adult Parties
- Parties
- Modern Masquerade
- Horse Racing
- Fancy Dress
- Special Events
- Midsummer nights dream Fairy bodypaint
- Fairy Entertainment
- Bodypaint Human Statue Bodyart Fairy
- Gold Bodypaint Sydney
- Human Statue Bodyart Agency
- Agencies
- Body and Art Agency
- Human Entertainment
- Advertising Agencies
- Advertising Agency
- Television Commercials
- Television Programmes
- Movie Production
- Staged Entertainment
- Staging Entertainment
- Shopfront Window Display
- Red Carpet Events
- Red Carpet Performers
- Music Festivals
- Marketing Campaigns
- Brand Launches
- Personal Branding
- Personality Management
- Tuxedo Bodpaint
- Tuxedo Corporate Bodypaint Sydney
- Bodypainting Suit
- Bodypainting Business Suit
- Corporate Christmas Party
- Corporate Tuxedo Bodyart
- Tuxedo Male Bodyart
- Bodypainted Clothes
- Tiger Bodypaint Sydney
- Tiger Bodypainting
- Pharmarama
- Robot Entertainment
- Silver Femme Box Robots
- Space Silver Bodypainting
- Futuristic Entertainment Bodypainting
- Futuristic Entertainment Costume
- Gallaxy Bodypainting Entertainers
- Goldfinger bodypainting
- James Bonds Girls Goldfinger
- Human Entertainment Goldfinger
- Costume design
- Australian Bodypaint Entertainer
- Sydney Australian Entertainment
- Human Entertainment: Sydney, Australia
- Entertain Human Entertainment
- Football Bodypainting
- Waratahs rugby union bodypaint
- Event Conferences
- Conferences
- Conference Organisers
- Sydney Conferences
- Trade Shows Entertainment
- Sydney Trade Shows
- Homebush Trade Shows and Entertainment
- Homebush Exhibitions
- Sydney Exhibitions Bodypaint
- Australia Trade Exhibitions Entertainment
- Insurance Company Campaign
- Insurance Events
- Football Promotions
- Rugby Promotion Entertainment
- Sports Events
- HSBC Entertainment
- Business Promotions
- Sydney Brand Promotions
- Sydney Fashion
- Australian Fashion Entertainment
- Event Promoters
- Australia Day Entertainment
- Jester Bodypainting Sydney Australia
- Jester Entertainment
- Make Love Not War Bodypaint Slogan
- Tree Bodypaint Zeta Bar
- Secret Garden Bodypainting
- Garden of Eden Bodypainting
- Zeta Bar Bodypainting Secret Garden Bodyart
- Yellow Bodypainting
- Secret Garden Flower Bodypainting
- Butterfly Bodypainting
- Secret Garden Bodypainting models
- Zeta Bar Bodypainting
- Club Promotion Bodypainting
- Secret Garden Bodyart models
- Queen of Hearts Bodypainting
- Alice in Wonderland Bodypainting
- Queen of Hearts Models
- Queen of Hearts Hotel Entertainment
- Butterfly Bodypainting entertainment
- Glow in the dark bodypainting
- Glow Paint Birthday Parties
- UV Bodypainting
- Neon Bodypainting
- Corporate Glow in The Dark Parties
- Glow Sticks
- Finger lights Bodyart
- Neon Corporate Parties
- Mardi Gras Bodypainting
- Gay Festival Bodypaint
- Rainbow Bodypainting
- Colourful Bodypainting
- Mardi Gras Bodyart
- Living Statues & Mimes
- Living Statues Bodypainting
- Living Statues Bodyart
- Flash Mob Bodypainting
- Australian Body Art Carnivale
- Carnival Bodypainting Entertainers
- Australian Bodypainting Carnivale
- Rainbow Body Art
- Rainbow BodyArt
- Australian Rainbow Bodypainting
- Carnivale Bodypainting
- Fitzy & Wippa’s Golden Wippa Race!; Nova FM
- Nova Bodypainting
- Golden Nova FM Bodypainting
- Horse Racing Promotion
- Rosehill Racecourse Promotion
- Promotion Bodyart
- The Golden Wippa race photos (Wippa vs a horse!)
- City to Surf Bodypainting
- Wonder Woman Bodypainting
- Injustice Wonder Woman
- Marvel DC Comics Wonder Woman
- Warner Bros. Wonder Woman
- DC Comics Video Game Launch
- Advertising Video Game Bodypaint
- Advertising Video Game Bodypainting
- Painting Bodies
- Wonder Woman Bodyart Sydney
- Bodypainting Australia, Sydney, NSW
- Bodypainting NSW Australia
- Advertising video game bodyart
- Injustice Gods Among Us Wonder Woman
- Video Game Bodypainting Bodyart
- Living Statues NSW
- Living Statues NSW Australia
- Living Statues Bodypainting NSW Australia
- Living Statues Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane
- Statue Promotion Sydney
- Statue Promotion Australia
- Living Statues Sydney
- Living Statues Artists
- Living Statues Artist
- Living Statues News
- Living Statues Media
- Living Statues Acrobatics
- Living Statues Acrobatic
- Living Statues Acrobatic Sydney
- Living Statues Campaigns
- Living Statues Portfolio
- Living Statues Australia Bodypainting
- Human Statue Promotion
- Corporate Bodypaint Creative
- Creative arts bodypaint
- Bodypainting Publishing
- Corporate Bodypainting
- Models for bodypaint
- Dancers and Model Statues
- Contemporary Dance and Theatre Statues
- Theatre Living Statues
- DC Comics Game Promotion
- Superhero Game Promotion
- Video Game Creative Arts
- Video Game Bodypaint Model
- Video Game Bodyart Model
- McDonalds Creative Arts
- McDonalds Creative Arts Sydney
- Retail Bodyart
- Shopfront Window Bodyart
- Japanese Geisha Bodyart
- Geisha Bodyart
- Geisha Bodypainting Sydney
- Stripes Bodyart
- Stripes Bodypainting
- Jamiroquai SingStar® beach side models
- Burlesque Models
- Quirky Models
- Marilyn Munroe Models
- Mime Models
- The Great Gatsby Models
- Queen of Hearts
- Pirate models
- Ringmaster models
- Fruit models
- Galaxy II models
- Galaxy Promotion
- Advertising Body Painting product promotions
- Galaxy Spica
- Galaxy Portal Models
- Galaxy Captivate Models
- Galaxy Vibrant
- Galaxy Fascinate Models
- Galaxy Epic models
- Galaxy Mesmerize Models
- Saint Patricks Day Models
- Warrior Human Statues
- Gallaxy II Human Statue Bodyart
- Cleopatra Human Statue
- Egyptian Bodypaint
- Egypt Bodypainting
- Injustice Gods Among Us Bodypainting
- The Green Lantern Bodypainting
- The Green Lantern, Wonder Woman Bodypainting
- Warner Bros Video Game
- Warner Bros Video Game: Injustice
- Gods Among Us Wii U
- Xbox 360 Injustice Video Game
- Playstation 3 Injustice: Gods Among Us Video Game
- Bodypainters Sydney Australia
- Bodypainters Sydney Promotions
- Bodypainters Australia Corporate
- Bodypainters Sydney Advertising
- Bodypainters
- Bodypainter
- Bodypaint Sydney Australia
- Bodypainters Sydney City
- Bodypainter Product Launches
- Body Painters
- Body Painters Sydney
- Bodypainters Creative Arts Agency
- Bodypaint Agency
- Body Paint Agency
- Bodypainters for Events
- Bodypainters News
- Bodypainter News
- Bodypainters Portfolio
- Bodypainters and Living Statues
- Bodypainters at Sydney Casinos
- Bodypainters at Museums
- Body Painters Australia
- Bodypainters for business
- Advertising Bodypainters
- Advertising Bodypainters Sydney
- Bodypainters Pr Campaign
- Bodypainters Sports Events
- Bodypainters Red Carpet Events
- Bodypainters Brands
- Body artists NSW
- Body artists Australia
- Body Painters Australia, Sydney
- Bodypainters corporate launches
- Airbrush Bodypainters Sydney
- Airbrush Bodypainters Sydney Australia
- Bodypainters Airbrush Sydney
- Body painters Sydney NSW
- Body painters Advertising
- Food Designing
- Food Bodypainters
- Bodypainters: Food
- Sydney: Bodypainters
- Inner Sydney Bodypainters
- Bodypainters Human Statue Bodyart Aus
- Body painters NSW
- Body Painters - AUSTRALIAN
- Body Painters: Hire Bodypainters
- Hire a Body Painter
- Hire Bodypainters
- Bodypainters Living Statues Sydney
- Human Entertainment Sydney
- Painters Body Painters Sydney
- Painters Bodypainters Sydney
- Body Painters Sydney Body Artists
- Body Artists Body Painters Sydney
- Body Painters Wonder Woman
- body painters sydney artists
- Artist Bodypainters Sydney
- Artists Body Painters Body Painting Sydney
- arts : Artists Online : Art : Body Painters
- Bodypainters product launch Sydney
- Sydney Living Statues
- Living Statues
- Living Statues Australia
- Living Statue
- Bodypainters Living Statues
- Living Statues Human Statue Bodyart
- Body Painters: Living Statues
- Body Painters: Living Statues Sydney
- Human Statue Sydney
- Human Statue Bodypainters
- a Living Statue Sydney
- Body Painters: Human Statues: Entertainers: Sydney
- Bodypainters: Human Statue: Artist: Sydney
- Artists: Body Painters: Sydney: Australia
- BodyPainters: Statues: Artists: Sydney
- Body Painters: Sydney: Melbourne: Brisbane:
- Bodypainters: Human Entertainment
- Body Painters Sydney CBD
- Sydney CBD: Body Painters
- Artistic Body Painters:
- Body Painters McDonalds
- Body Painters: City of Sydney
- Body Painters: Zeta Bar
- Body Painters: Sydney: Zeta Bar
- Bodypainters: Hilton Hotel
- Body Painters: Garden Promotions
- Bodypainters: Zeta Bar
- Body Painters Sydney Garden Launch
- Body Painters: Zeta Bar Fairy
- Body Painters Club Promotions
- Body Painters: Bar Launches
- Body Painters: Alcohol Launches
- Alcohol Club Promotions: Body Painters
- Body Artist NSW
- Body Artists NSW Australia
- Body Artists Sydney City
- Body Artists NSW Sydney
- Bodyartist City Sydney
- Bodyartists Sydney Australia
- Body Artists: Human Statue Bodyart
- Bodyartists: Human Statue Bodyart
- BodyArtists NSW
- BodyPainters: Human Statue
- Body Painters: Human Entertainment
- Painters: Human Statue Bodyart
- Bodypainters Bodyart Entertainment
- Body Painters Captain Cook
- Body Painters Australian theme
- Australian Body Painters Sydney
- Australian Bodypainters Sydney Australia
- Body Painters: Costume Characters Sydney
- Body Painters: Styling Sydney
- Bodypainter: Bodyartist Sydney
- Bodypainters Artists Bodypainters
- Living Statues: Human Statues: Bodypainters
- Body Painters: Living Statues Sydney Australia
- Live Living Statues Sydney
- Living Statues Bodypainters
- Bodypainters: Bodyartists Sydney
- Bodypainters Body Artists Sydney Australia
- Body Artists Body Painters Bodyartists NSW
- Body Painters: Human Statue Body Art Sydney
- Bodypainters Australian Bodyartists
- Australian Sydney Bodypainters
- Australia Day Body Painters
- Bodypainters Corporate Human Statue Bodyart
- Bodypainters Human Statues
- Bodypainters Human Statues Sydney
- Human Statues Community
- Local Government
- State Government Human Statues
- Charity Human Statue Bodyart
- Celebrity Body Painters Human Statues
- Bodypainters Events Sydney
- Body Painters Creative Arts Sydney
- Body Painters Campaigns Sydney
- Campaign Human Statues
- Living Statues for retail
- Living Statues for events
- Creative Arts Living Statues
- Body Painters Local Government Sydney
- Human Entertainment: Body Painters
- Australian Themed Entertainers
- Body Painter Captain Cook
- Living Statues Captain Cook
- Captain Cook Body Painter
- Bodypainters Corporate
- Body Painters Sydney City CBD
- Body Painters CBD City
- Creative Arts Bodypainters Sydney
- Body Painters Sydney Australia
- Body Painters About Us
- Human Statue Bodyart: About Us
- About Us: Living Statues
- Bodypainters about us
- Automotive Show Bodypainting
- Automotive Trade Show Bodypainting
- Motor Show bodypainting
- Advertising Convention
- Body Painters VW
- Body Painters Scania
- Body Painters Record Label
- Body Painters Take 40
- Body Painters Levis
- Body Painters Mulberry
- Body Painters Skins
- Body Painter Living Statues Sydney Australia
- Circus Performers Living Statues
- Sydney Living Statues Circus Entertainment
- Sydney CBD Living Statues
- Human Entertainment: Human Statues
- Body Painter Financial Sector
- Body Painters Insurance
- Body Painters Cabaret
- Body Painters: Dancers
- Sydney Body Painters
- Sydney Bodypainters Sydney
- Body Painters, Living Statues, Human Statues CBD
- Airbrush Body Painters
- Bodypainters Airbrush
- Bodypainters Temporary Tattoo Artists
- Body Painter Temporary Tattoo Artist
- Bodypainting Temporary Tattoo Artist
- Costume design human statue bodyart
- Bodypainting and Styling
- Body Painting Judges
- Body Painting Supreme Court
- Body Painting Gavel
- bodypainters Judge
- Dancers for events
- Living Statue Melbourne, Sydney, Perth
- Living Statues Sydney, Queensland, Perth, Adelaide
- Body Painters, Living Statues, Human Statues
- BodyPainters, Living Statues and Bodyart
- Living Statues Brisbane - Sydney - Melbourne
- Living Statue Sydney - Melbourne - Goldcoast
- Sydney Living Statues Sydney - Melbourne- Brisbane
- Living Statues Sydney - Melbourne - Human Statues
- Book a Bodypainter
- Book a Bodyartist Bodypainter
- Book a Body Painter - Australia
- Book a Bodyartist
- Book a Human Statue
- Book a Face Painter Bodypainter
- Bodypainting Bookings Sydney
- Living Human Statue Bookings
- Book a Living Statue
- Book Bodyartists
- Bodypainter Bookings
- Book a Artist Body painter
- Artist Booking Bodypainters
- Creative Living Statues
- Historical Human Statues
- Human Statues SEO
- Living Statue Directory
- Art Gallery NSW Bodypainter
- Art Gallery NSW Bodypainters
- CIO Networking Event Bodypainting
- CIO Art Gallery NSW CIO Networking
- Bodypainters Sydney Gay Campaign
- HIV Bodypainting
- Green Bodypainter
- Blue Bodypainter Sydney
- Opposites Attract Bodypainting
- Gay Bodypainting
- Body Painting Artists
- Living Statues Syd
- Living Statue Sydney
- Sydney - Melbourne - Brisbane - Living Statue
- Greek Living Statue
- Greek Roman Living Statues
- Living Statues Sydney CBD
- bodyartist sydney
- body artist sydney
- Living Statues Queensland
- Living Statue Queensland
- Living Statue Queensland and Sydney
- Sydney CBD Living Statue
- Living Statue Sydney, Brisbane, Goldcoast
- Living Statue Corporate themes
- Bodypainters, Living Statues, Bodyartists CBD
- Tree Living Statues
- Popular Living Statues Sydney
- Futuristic Living Statues Sydney
- Olympic Living Statues Sydney
- Classical Living Statues Sydney
- Roman Living Statues Sydney
- Cupid Living Statues Sydney
- Angel Living Statues Sydney
- Roman Lady Human Statue Sydney
- Silver, Gold, Bronze Living Statues Sydney
- Coloured Living Statues Sydney
- Greco Living Statues Sydney
- Mermaid Living Statues Sydney
- Classical Gold Living Statue Sydney
- Monster Themed Living Statues
- Fire and Ice Living Statues
- Chocolate Living Statues
- Fairy Living Statues Human Statue Bodyart
- Dancers Living Statues Human Statue Bodyart
- Adagio Living Statues Human Statue Bodyart
- Mannequins Living Statues Human Statue Bodyart
- Masked Ball Living Statues Human Statue Bodyart
- Venetian Living Statues Human Statue Bodyart
- Renaissance Living Statues Sydney
- Neptune Living Statues
- Water Themed Living Statues Human Statue Bodyart
- Goldcoast Sydney Living Statues
- Surfers Paradise, Sydney, Mel Living Statues
- Tweed Heads, Sydney, Melb Living Statues
- Nimbin, Sydney, Melbourne Living Statues
- Noosa, Sydney, Melbourne Living Statues
- Cairns, Sydney, Melbourne Living Statues
- Living Statues, Queensland, Melbourne, Sydney
- Living Statues, North Queensland, Sydney, Melb
- Living Statues Northern NSW
- Living Statues Sunshine Coast, Sydney, Melb
- Living Statues Brisbane CBD, Sydney, Melb
- Living Statues Ipswitch, Sydney, Melb
- Living Statues Hunter Valley, Sydney, Melb
- Living Statues Western Sydney
- Living Statues Penrith, Sydney, CBD
- Living Statues Canberra
- Human Statues Canberra
- Living Statues Australia, Sydney
- Trophy Living Statues Sydney - Human Statue Body
- Living Statue Awards
- Award Winning Living Statues Sydney
- Bodyartist Bodypainter Living Statue Sydney
- Bodyartists Bodypainters Living Statues Sydney
- Living Statue Judges Sydney
- Living Statue Art Gallery Sydney
- Art Gallery NSW Living Statues Sydney
- Artistic Living Statues Sydney
- Artistic Human Statues Sydney
- Artistic Living Statues Sydney, Melb, Bris
- Artisitic Living Statue Sculpture
- Living Statue Trophy Awards
- Art Living Statues Sydney
- Living Statue Footballers
- Living Statue Look -A- Likes
- Living Statues Bondi
- Living Statues Tango
- Sydney Australia Living Statues
- Living Statue Trees
- Living Statue Fairy
- Living Statues Melbourne
- Living Statues, Temporary Tattoo artists
- Living Statues Geisha
- Living Statue Australia
- Living Statues Video Games
- Living Statues Gaming
- Living Statues Gaming Expo
- Living Statues Supanova Pop Expo
- Art Living Statues NSW
- Living Statues Sydney Convention Exhibition
- Living Statues Powerhouse Museum
- Living Statues Allphones Arena
- Living Statues ANZ Stadium
- Living Statues Sydney Stadium
- Living Statues Sydney University
- Living Statues Darling Harbour
- Living Statues Brisbane Entertainment Centre
- Living Statues Gold Coast Events Centre
- Living Statues Boxer
- Living Statues Road Laver Arena
- Living Statues Superheros
- Living Statues Crown Limited
- Living Statues Westfield Sydney
- Living Statues Window Demonstration
- Living Statues The Star
- Living Statue Bondi
- Living Statues Celebrities
- Publicity Living Statues Sydney
- Living Statue Sports
- Creative Art Living Statues
- Temporary Tattoo Parties Sydney
- Glow In The Dark Temporary Tattoos Sydney
- Glow in the dark bodypainting
- Facepainting Sydney
- Face Painting Temporary Tattoos Sydney
- Living Statues, Bodyartists Sydney
- Living Statues CBD Sydney
- CBD Living Statues Sydney
- Gold Living Statues Sydney
- Superhero Living Statues
- Living Statue Stilt Walkers
- Living Statues Gold Coast
- Living Statues Surfers Paradise
- Coloured Themed Living Statues Sydney
- Living Statues White, Red, Blue, Gold, Pink
- Living Statues Living Sculptures
- Environmental Friendly Living Statues Sydney
- Painted Living Statues Sydney
- Pop Culture Living Statues
- Recycling Living Statues
- Living Statues Recycling Expo
- Living Statues Events Expos
- Bodypainted Celebrities
- Pop Culture Bodypainting
- Classical Living Statues
- Art Deco Living Statues
- Living Statues Halloween
- Venetian Living Statues
- Living Statues Carnivals
- Living Statues Shopping Centres
- Living Statues Retail
- Living Statues Corporate Events
- Sydney Live Statues
- Live Statues Sydney
- Live Statues, Human Statues, Living Statues
- Live Statue Living Statue Company Sydney
- Live Living Statues
- AAA Live Statue
- AAA Living Statues Sydney, Mel, Bris, Adel,
- Live Human Statues Sydney
- Live Human Living Statues Sydney
- Live Living Statues Human Statue Bodyart NSW
- A List Live Living Statues Sydney
- Red Carpet Live Living Statues
- Live Statue Living Statue Sydney
- Star Events Living Live Statues
- Entertainment Living Live Human Statues
- Body painting Living Statues
- Body Painted Live Living Statues
- Live Human Statue
- Living Human Statues NSW
- Artistic Live Statues
- Secret Garden Living Statues
- Living Statues Press
- Advertising Living Statues
- Live Living Statues News
- Arts Connect Live Living Statues Sydney
- Art Gallery NSW Live Living Statues
- Tango Bodypainting
- Tango Bodyart
- Live Tango Living Statues
- Alto Tango Zeta Bar Bodypainting
- Alto Tango Zeta Bar Body art
- Living Live Statues
- Art Live Living Statues Sydney
- Artistic Living Live Human Statues
- Living Statue Dancers
- Human Statues Live Living Statues Sydney
- Dancing Living Statues Sydney
- Living Statues Australia NSW, Melbourne, Brisbane
- Sydney Living Statues, Human Statues
- Gold Live Statues
- Glow in The Dark Living Statues
- Living Statues Syd Aus
- Living Statues Blue
- Living Statues Red Sydney
- Bronze Bodypainting
- Bronze Living Statues
- Silver Living Statues
- Green Living Statues
- Tree Garden Living Statues
- Camouflage Living Statues
- Indian Living Statues
- The Punisher Body Painting
- Living Statue Tree
- Gaming Exhibitions
- Australian International Gaming Exhibitions
- Food and Wine Hospitality Events and Expos
- Financial Services Expos and Events
- Bodypainting Australian Art Galleries
- Art Gallery Bodypainting
- Art Exhibitions Bodypainting
- Advertising and Marketing Events Conferences
- Casino Resort Human Statues Living Statues
- Promotional Living Statues
- Italian Themed Living Statues
- Multi Cultural Living Human Statues
- Venetian Living Human Statues
- Michelangelo Living Statues
- Renaissance Living Human Statues Sydney
- Archery Living Statues
- Olympic Games Living Statues
- Venetian Human Statues Sydney, Melbourne
- Surfing Living Statues
- Monet Living Statues
- Grecian Living Statues Sydney
- Grecian Living Statues
- Picasso Living Statues
- Famous Artist Living Human Statues
- Art Gallery, Museum Living Statues
- Sports Living Statues
- Egypt, Roman, Greek, Italian Living Statues
- Celebrity Living Statues
- Hotel Living Statues
- Masquerade Living Statues
- Classical Living Statue
- Aboriginal Living Statues
- Aboriginal Living Human Statues
- HP Living Statues
- Stage Hair and Makeup Living Statues
- Marilyn Monroe Living Statues
- Glow in The Dark Parties Facepainting
- glow in the dark corporate parties
- Glow in the dark facepainting
- Glow in the dark festivals
- Live Art Statues
- Live Roman Statues
- Bodypainters Live Living Statues
- Live Italian Statues
- Live Venetian Human Statues
- Live Classical Living Statues
- Live human statues
- Live Statues Sydney Australia
- Live Statues Victoria
- Bodypainters Victoria
- Bodyartists Victoria, Sydney
- Bodypainters Victoria, Sydney, Australia
- Live Statues Victoria, Sydney, Tasmania
- Live Statues Tasmania
- Live Statues ACT
- Live Statues NSW
- Animal Live Living Statues
- Alcohol Living Statues
- Live Statues Sydney Australia Human Statue Bodyart
- Superhero Living Live Statues
- Live Living Tree Human Statues
- Sydney Australia Live Living Statues
- Victoria Living Live Human Statues
- Catholic Living Statues
- Olympic Game Live Living Statues
- Stage Hair and Makeup Body painting
- Live Human Statues Sydney Australia
- Live Manequinns Sydney
- Live Secret Garden Living Statues
- Advertising Agency Living Statues
- Bodypainting Services Adelaide, Sydney, GoldCoast,
- Art Gallery Living Human Statues
- Expo Living Statues Sydney Australia
- Entertainment Live Statues
- Arabic Living Statues
- Sports Team Live Statues
- Bodypainting News Australia
- Body Painting Live Statues Sydney
- Live Statues Living Statues Bodypainters
- Body Painted Performers
- Christmas and Holiday Performers
- Clowns and Circus Acts
- Shopping Centres
- Dance Acts
- Exotic Artists
- Facepainters Sydney
- Fairytale Characters
- Impersonators
- Liv ing Statue
- Magicians
- Master of Ceremonies
- Live Statues Mime Acts
- Roving Characters Living Statues
- StiltWalkers Live Living Statues
- Special FX Makeup Hairstyling Living Statues
- Temporary Tattoos Living Statues
- Live Statue Models
- Acrobats Living Statues
- Aerial Artists Live Statues
- Unusual Exotic Talent
- Halloween Living Statues
- Easter Celebrations Live Statues
- Valentines Day Living Statues
- Corporate Living Statues
- Wedding Living Statues
- Live Living Wedding Statues
- Live Statue Statue of Liberty
- Live Statues Tiger, Zebra, Cheetah
- Horror Living Statues
- Bollywood Living Statues
- Bollywood Live Living Statues
- Mona Lisa Living Statues
- Safety Living Statues
- Glitter Living Statues
- Live Glitter Statues
- Conductor Statue
- Living Marble Statues
- Live Krishna Living Statue
- Costuming Creations Live Living Statues
- Mermaid Living Statues
- Live Greco Statues
- Corporate Entertainment like nothing else
- Corporate Entertainment Unique Stylish bodyart
- Corporate Entertainment Live Statues
- Australian Corporate Entertainment Bodypainting
- Acrobat Live Statues
- Acrobat Corporate Entertainment
- Athlete Live Statues
- Athlete Corporate Entertainment
- Artist Corporate Entertainment
- Artist Live Living Statues
- Corporate Entertainment Stylish Live Statues
- Art Exhibition Corporate Entertainment Live Statue
- Trophy Live Statues
- Live Bodypainting Living Statues Sydney
- Coal Miner Bodypainting
- coal miner live statues
- Coal Miner Living Statues Sydney
- Trade Show Living Statues
- Trade Show Live Statues
- Food Living Statues
- Statuesque Living Statues
- Live Statues Fruit
- Celebrity Live Statues
- Authentic Human Statues Sydney
- Authentic Living Statues
- Authentic Live Statues Sydney CBD
- Sydney CBD Authentic Living Statues
- World Class Living Statues Sydney
- Living Statue Based in Sydney
- Live Statues Based in Sydney Australia
- Living Human Statues Statuesque, Roman, Greco
- Live Statue Sydney Australia
- Exotic Live Statues
- Exotic Living Statues
- Exotic Bird Living Statues
- Exotic Bird Live Human Statues
- Chinese Living Statues
- Chinese Live Human Statues
- Japanese Living Statues Sydney
- Japanese Live Statues Sydney
- Living Statues Bollywood Sydney
- Asian Living Live Human Statues
- Nude Living Statues Sydney
- Erotic Living Statues Sydney
- Corporate and Topless Bodypainting Sydney
- Human Bird Statues Sydney
- Live Ballroom Living Human Statues Sydney
- Sydney Roving Characters Live Living Statues
- Living Statues Living Decore
- Living Decore Live Human Statues
- Living Statue Skilled Performers
- Corporate Entertainment Live Statues Sydney
- Corporate Entertainment like nothing else Statues
- Corporate Entertainment Superheros
- Superhero Corporate Entertainment
- Corporate Entertainment Unique Entertainment
- Corporate Entertainment Bodypainters
- Living Statue Corporate Entertainment
- Corporate Entertainment Human Statue Bodyart
- Bodypainter Superheros Sydney Australia
- Body Painters Corporate Entertainment
- Body painting Bookings Sydney Australia
- Sydney Body Painters Sydney Australia
- Body Painters Living Statue Corporate Entertain
- Bookings Bodypainters NSW
- Bookings Body artists Body painters Sydney
- body painting Celebrites
- Body Painting Swimwear Sydney
- Body Painting Animals Sydney
- bodyart and bodypainting sydney
- Artists Body Painters Online Sydney Australia
- Sydney City Body painters Sydney
- Body Painting Human Statues Sydney
- Body painting NRL
- Bodypaint Jerseys
- Bodypainting Sports Jerseys NSW
- State of Origin Bodypainting
- Football Jersey Bodypainting Sydney
- Bodypainter Bodyartist Australia
- corporate logos bodypainted bodies
- Bodypainters Cabaret
- Bodypainter Live Corporate Events
- Creative Arts Body painters Sydney
- Live Bodyart Demonstration
- Painted Alive Bodypainting
- Live Statues, prove popular in Sydney NSW
- Coal Minors
- Marilyn Monroe Human Statues
- Live Living Statues Marilyn Monroe
- Coal Minor Live Statues
- Diamond Living Statues
- The Star Living Statues
- Coal Minor Human Statues
- James Bond Live Statues
- Live Statues Burlesque
- Live Dance Show Statues Girls Grease Arabian
- Westfield Living Dance Statues Sydney
- Dancing Living Human Statues Hollywood
- Cabaret and Sauce Living Statue Dancers
- Workmen Live Living Statues
- Living Statues Paris, Hollywood, Arabian nights
- Dancing Live Statues Sydney
- Mexican Tango Arabian Hollywood Dancers Bodypaint
- Arabian Performers Live Statues
- Arabian Living Statues Live
- Cabaret Dancing Live Statues
- marilyn monroe Entertainers
- Michael Jackson Live Statues
- Bodypainting Michael Jackson Marilyn Monroe
- Sydney Entertainment
- Sydney Corporate Entertainment Wow Factor
- Sydney Entertainment Live Statues
- Sydney Entertainment Living Statues CBD
- Human Statues for hire Sydney
- Body artist Entertainment Sydney
- Sydney Entertainment Living Statues Sydney
- Sydney Entertainment Roving Live Statues
- Sydney City Entertainment Roving Entertain Live
- City of Sydney Entertainment Corporate Live Statue
- Body Painting Media Launch News
- Bodypainting News Channel Seven
- Body Painting Facepainting News Sydney
- Live Statue Sydney
- Live Statue Australia Sydney
- Living Live Statues NSW
- Star Living Statues Sydney
- Dreamtime Living Statues Sydney
- Dream Sphere Living Statue Sydney
- Charlie Chaplin Living Statue Sydney
- Poetry Living Statues Sydney
- Charlie Chaplin Live Statues Sydney
- Santa Stone Living Statues Sydney
- Stone Butler Living Statues Sydney
- Waitress Living Statues
- Waiter Living Statues
- Waiter Live Statues Sydney
- Waitress Live Statues Sydney
- Busker Living Statues
- Busker Live Statues Sydney
- Period Living Statues Sydney Australia
- Period Live Statues Sydney Australia
- Referee Living Statues
- Football Living Statues
- Alien Living Statues Sydney Australia
- Gardener Living Statues Sydney Australia
- Still Life Living Statues Sydney Australia
- Captain Cook, Racing Driver, Silver Statues, Human
- Snowman Living Live Statues
- Snapshot Living Statues Sydney
- Fashion Living Statues Sydney Australia
- Olympic Living Statues Sydney Australia
- Angels, Thor, Cupid Living Statues
- Julius Ceaser Living Statue Sydney Australia
- Greek Fruit Bowl Living Statue Sydney
- Stone Cowboy Living Statues Sydney
- Country Man Living Statue Country Music Statue
- Benjamin Franklin
- Benjamin Franklin Living Statues
- Bronze Doorman Living Statues Sydney
- Wedding Live Living Statues Sydney Australia
- Butterfly Living Statues
- Elvis Living Statues Sydney Australia
- Bronze Violin Living Statues Sydney
- Michael Jackson Living Statue Sydney Australia
- Madonna Living Statues Sydney
- God and Mary Living Statues Sydney
- Buddha, Spiritual Living Statues Sydney
- Jesus Joseph Mary Living Statues Sydney Australia
- Musical Living Statues Sydney
- Pirate Living Statues Sydney Australia
- Samsung Living Statues Sydney Australia
- Artistic Theatre Living Statues Sydney
- Theatre Live Statues Sydney Australia
- Superhero Bodypainters Living Statues
- Facepainting Bodypainters Bodyartists Sydney
- Live Statues Alien, Silver, Bronze, Gold, Green
- Alien Futuristic Living Live Human Statues Sydney
- Claude Monet Living Statues Sydney
- Google Living Statues Sydney Australia
- Vip Events Living Statues Sydney
- Twin Living Statues Sydney Australia
- Identical Living Statues Sydney
- Living Statues Trade Shows
- Costumed Characters Living Statues Sydney
- Golden Masquerade Living Statues Sydney
- Urban Living Statues Sydney Australia
- Still Living Statues Sydney Australia
- Casino Living Statues Sydney
- Gaming Living Statues Sydney
- The Star The Events Center
- Sydney
- Australia
- VIP Events Sydney
- VIP High Roller Events
- Exclusive Australian Events Parties Live Statues
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- 2013 Costume Body Painters
- Body Painters Army
- To Book a bodypainter visit Human Statue Bodyart
- Body painters book a bodypainting artist in Sydney
- Book a bodypainting artist in Sydney
- Bodypainters and makeup designs in Sydney
- Body painters costume characters in Sydney
- Body painters corporate Bodypainting Sydney
- Media Corporate Body Painters in Sydney
- Airbrush artists Bodypainters in Sydney
- Body Painting gets you Media Attention
- Body Painters Sydney Media Corporate designs
- Body Painting James Bond Sydney
- Body Painters - Gallery Home Page
- Body Painting large corporate events in Sydney
- Brand Building with Body art, Human Statues Body
- Branding for corporate and private bodypainting
- Advertising marketing and sales Bodypainters
- Sales and Marketing Conferences and expos
- Body Painters and Airbrush Human Statue Bodyart
- Hire a Bodypainter, Bodyartist and Human Statue
- Bodypainters for shop front window displays
- Shop front windows Body Painters in Sydney
- Body Painters Shopping Centre Campaigns
- Bodypainters for Fashion idustry bodyart
- Body Painting Human Statues and Bodyart models
- Body Painters Mulberry, Vogue, Fashion night out
- Body Painting human statues bodyart Human Statue
- Body Painting for brand exposure and PR Campaigns
- Brand Exposure Body painters
- Bodypainters for media companies and TV
- Baby Body Painters in Sydney
- Body Painters TV Commercials
- Body Painters - Advertising and media productions
- Body Painting - You tube Bodypainters, Body artist
- Body painting for You Tube and social media viral
- Viral Campaign Body Painters Sydney
- Music Video and Celebrity Body painting
- Our Clients Body Painting Sydney
- Celebrities get covered in Gold Bodypainting
- Our Clients - Human Statue Bodyart - Bodypainting
- Wet Look Metallic Body painting in Sydney
- Runway and Fashion Body painting Sydney
- UV Blacklight Body Painting - Body painters
- Body Painting in TV, Film and Music Video Bodyart
- Body Painters in TV, Film and Music Videos Bodyart
- Human Statue Bodyart Bodypainters Music Videos
- Body Painters in Music Video Performance
- Body Painters Music Video Specialists
- Bodypainters TV and Music Clips
- BodyPainters and Human Live Statues in Sydney
- PR Agency in Body Painters in Sydney
- Pr Body Painting Specialists in Sydney
- Sydney's Body Painters Specialists Human Statues
- Sydney's BodyPainting - Human Statue Bodyart
- Sydney - The Last Supper Body Painting Sydney
- Musical Theatre Bodypainters Sydney
- Body Painters in Sydney Human Entertainment
- Bodypainting performers in Sydney
- BodyPainters Motor Cars in Sydney
- New South Wales Body Painting in Sydney
- BodyPainters for Music and TV
- Step Up 4 Bodypainting in Sydney
- Bodypainters for photoshoots in Sydney
- Bodypainters Available in Sydney
- Bodypainters for hire in Sydney NSW
- Bodypainters and Human Statues in Sydney
- Bodypainters for competitive rates in Sydney
- Bodypainting Airbrush Bodypainting Sydney
- Bodypainters Airbrush Bodypainter Sydney Melbourne
- Bodypainters Airbrush Bodypainters Melbourne, VIC
- Bodypainters for Hire Brisbane and Sydney
- Bodypainters for hire in NSW - Bodypainting
- BodyPainting in NSW - New South Wales
- Bodypainting Hire a Bodypainters in Sydney
- Bodypainters Human Statues Corporate Sydney
- Corporate Bodypainters in New South Wales
- Bodypainters and Bodypainting Artists in NSW
- Body Painters in Corporate events
- Bodypainters and costume designs
- Bodypainters for Large events in Sydney
- Artistic and Unique Concepts for Bodypainters
- Bodypainters Unique Stylish concepts Sydney
- Body Painting - Unique Stylish Concepts Sydney
- Google Bodypainters Sydney
- Bodypainting Sydney - Google Sydney Bodyart
- Bodypainting for Special Promos Sydney Bodyart
- Bodypainters in Sydney Promotional Bodypaint
- Bodypainting for Playboy Sydney
- Airbrush Bodypainters in Sydney
- Airbrush Artists in Sydney
- Bodypainters Skyscraper Sydney
- Bodypainting Skyscrapers in Sydney
- Decorative Bodypainters in Sydney
- Bodypainters for Stylish events in Sydney
- Bodypainted Alive in Sydney
- Bodypainters for corporate photoshoots in Sydney
- Bodypainters in New South Wales. NSW
- Bodypainting Catwoman in Sydney
- Bodypainters for shopping centres in Sydney
- Bodypainting for shopping centres in Sydney
- Bodypainting for unique Corporate Stylish events
- Bodypainters Airbrush Artists and Models
- Male Bodypainting models in Sydney
- Dancers in Bodypaint Sydney
- Theatrical Bodypainters in Sydney
- Robot bodypainting in Sydney
- Bodypainters and music videos in Sydney
- Bodypainters in Sydney and New South Wales
- Bodypainting Airbrush Artists and promotions
- Human Statues and Bodypainting Sydney
- Bodypainting Human Statues in Sydney
- Bodypainting in Corporate events in Sydney
- Body Painting Body Painters Human Statue Bodyart
- Body Painting Live Statues Human Statue Bodyart
- Bodypainting in Sydney - Human Statue Bodyart
- Bodypainting Sydney - Human Statues in Sydney
- Bodypainting for product Human Statues in Sydney
- Bodypainting Canberra and Sydney - Human Statues
- Bodypainting Striped Chairs in Sydney
- Advanced Bodypainters Sydney NSW
- Microsoft Bodypainting Sydney
- Bollywood Bodypainting in Sydney
- Bodypainters The Last Supper in Sydney
- Bodypainting in Sydney - The Last Supper Bodyart
- Bodyart can make an impact at your next event
- Bodypainters Corporate Party or PR Launch Sydney
- Award Ceremonies Bodypainting Sydney
- Bodypainters Project and Store Launches Sydney
- Bodypainters for Exhibitions in Sydney
- Bodypainters for Media Stunts in Sydney
- Bodypainters for Bar- Bat Mitzvahs in Sydney
- Bodypainters for Fundraising in Sydney
- Bodypainters and Marketing Experts Sydney
- Airbrush Body Painting in Sydney Human Statue Body
- Bodypainting airbrush for special promotions NSW
- Bodypainting theme and designs in Sydney
- Bodypainting for Fundraising in Sydney NSW
- Bodypainters for TV and Film Sydney
- Bodypainters for Childrens Entertainment Sydney
- Bodypainting for Media relations in Sydney
- Bodypainters for Talent Management Sydney
- Bodypainters for research and evaluation
- Bodypainting beauty and much more
- Bodypainters for cultural bodyart Sydney
- Bodypainters for Fathers Day Sydney
- Bodypainters for easter celebrations in Sydney
- Bodypainters for Easter celebrations
- Bodypainters for Festivals, Cabaret, Latin Sydney
- Bodypainters for Jungle Themes
- Bodypainters for Advertising
- Painted Alive Bodypainters in Sydney
- Bodypainting for photography and design Sydney
- Bodypainters for Award Ceremonies
- Bodypainting Media Relations Human Statue Bodyart
- Bodypainting theme and design Human Statue Bodyart
- Bodypainted Decorated bodies in Sydney
- Aqua Dining Spring Series bodypainting Sydney
- Bodypainters for Cancer Council
- Caesarstone Bodypainting
- Bodypainting Caesarstone Sydney
- Bodypainting Sydney, Australia by Human Statue
- Body Painting, Human Statues, Air brushing Sydney
- Professional body painting and human statues NSW
- Bodypainting Erina Heights Central Coast
- Body Painting Central Coast and Sydney
- Professional Human Statues: 10 Years experience
- Australian Bodypainting Sydney
- Bodypainters and artists Australia wide, Sydney
- Hire a bodypainter or human statue in Sydney
- Bodypainters for special events in Sydney NSW
- Air brush body painters, artists and models: NSW
- Human Statues, models and artists: Sydney
- Bodypainters for Central Coast Art Show
- Bodypainters for HP and Computer Technology
- Bodypainters for beer launches Sydney
- Bodypainters for garden launches Sydney
- Bodypainters for VIP Launched and Christmas party
- Bodypainting Italian Human Statues Sydney
- Bodypainters for Living Statues in Sydney
- Bodypainters for hire unique events in Sydney
- Bodypainters for Unique events Worldwide
- Central Coast Grammar School Art Show Human Statue
- Bodypainting VIP Events in Sydney NSW
- Bodypainting Sydney Bodypainters NSW
- Pink Bodypainters in NSW
- Body Painters for Council Events in Sydney
- Human Statue Bodypainting Artists
- Bodypainters in all States: Human Statue Bodyart
- Central Coast Bodypainters
- Bodypainters - Circus Performers and Human Statues
- Bodypainters Dolls and Statues
- Bodypainters tree statues
- Bodypainters for swimwear launches in Sydney
- Bodypainters for the World
- Bodypainters for Charity events in Sydney
- Bodypainters for Corporate Bodyart
- bodypainting in Sydney West
- Bodypainters in Sydneys west
- Corporate Bodypainters in Sydney
- VIP Bodypainters
- Bodypainters in Surrounding Suburbs of Sydney
- Bodypainters for car launches in Sydney
- Bodypainting pages and gallery in Sydney
- Airbrush Corporate Bodypainters in Sydney
- Airbrush Bodypainters for Special Events in Sydney
- Bodypainters for Human Statues in Sydney
- Bodypainters for Star Quality Bodypainting Sydney
- Bodypainters for Unique Launches around Sydney
- Body Painters for TV Reality and Corporate events
- Body Painters Sydney NSW Australia Bodyart
- Bodypainters for PR Campaigns in Sydney
- Sydney's hottest Bodypaintings in Sydney
- Sydney's new media sensation live bodypainting
- Live bodypainting for events in Sydney, Australia
- Roaming live bodypainters in Sydney
- Number 1 Bodypainting, Human Statue Specialist
- Guaranteed to make you next event spectacular
- Bodypainters - Unique memorable experience
- Bodypainters for memorable and exciting events
- Bodypainting hire a Bodyartist and Airbrush artist
- Bddypainting for special and unique events Sydney
- Bodypainting for Sydney events Bodyartists
- Goldfinger Bodypainting in Sydney
- Body Painters for NSW and Sydney events
- Bodypainters for Television commercials
- Bodypainting models and corporate events Sydney
- Body Paint for all your festivities
- Sydney Bodypainting Specialists Sydney
- Roman Human Statues in Sydney
- Human Statue Body art Bodypainting Sydney
- Human Statue Bodyart dancing human statues
- Parramatta eels Awards Night - Rosehill Gardens
- Rosehill Racecourse Grand Pavilion Bodypainting
- Bodypainters Sydney Rosehill Racecourse
- Bodypainting Rosehill Race Course Awards
- Rugby League Bodypainting Sydney
- Parramatta eels Awards - Human Statues
- Awards ceremony bodypainters Sydney
- Parramatta eels awards night - Bodypainting
- Bodypainting Rugby League Human Statue Awards
- Awards Rugby EELS Football night Human Statues
- Pirtek Human Statue Bodyart
- Bodypainting for Product Launches and Bodyart
- Bodypainting Sydney Football Presentations
- Bodypainting Awards Night for the eels
- Gold Marquee Bodypainting Sydney
- James Bond themes of bodypainting Sydney
- Gold Bodypainting Sydney Australia
- Gold Bodypainters in Sydney
- Bodypainting NSW Bodyartists in Sydney
- Bodypainting Corporate Club Promotions Sydney
- Human Statues and Bodypainting for Sydney events
- Bodypainting for VIP events in Sydney, Melbourne,
- Bodypainting, Bodyart and live statues, Sydney
- Bodypainting for fashion lifestyle sector Sydney
- Bodypainting for sales and marketing events Sydney
- Bodypainting living statues for galleries and art
- Custom bodypainting and bodyart for Sydney
- Bodypainting and bodyart for Australia NSW, VIC,
- Bodypainting and bodyart for NSW, QLD, ACT, VIC
- Bodypainting and human statues Australia wide
- Bodypainting promotions with Human Statue Bodyart
- Promote your business brand, Human Statue Bodyart
- Bodypainting Brand promotions in Sydney
- Human Statue Bodyart Bodypainting for Sydney
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- Bodypainting for Rugby League events in Sydney
- Bodypainting for google searches in Sydney
- Sydney bodypainters Human Statue Bodyart
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- Airbrush bodypainters for Sydney events
- Bodypainting, Airbrush and Bodyartists
- Airbrush Australia Bodypainters
- for all your bodypainting needs in Sydney
- Body Art for special promotions - Airbrush Sydney
- Airbrush bodypainting Sydney Body Art for Promos
- Bodyartist in Sydney and Bodypainters NSW
- Bodypainters in Sydney for hire
- Bodypainters for Australian Corporate events
- Bodypainters for product launches in Sydney
- Bodypainting Children in Sydney
- Bodypainting kids in Sydney NSW
- Crown Casino Bodypainting
- Bodypainters Crown Events
- Bodypainters in Sydney and surrounding areas
- Bodypainters for advertising bodypaint
- Bodypainters in Sydney Bodyart events
- Bodypainting Airbrush Bodyart in Sydney
- Bodypainters Airbrushing Sydney, Australia
- Bodypainters roving entertainers in Sydney
- Bodypainters and roving performers in Sydney
- bodypainters in sydney Australia, roving artists
- Bodypainters Roving Artists in Sydney
- Bodypainters in Sydney Media events
- Body Art, Body Artists for special promotions
- Bodypainters for IMATS Australia
- Bodypainting arial artists and roving entertainers
- Bodypainters for hire and roving artists sydney
- Bodypainters Arial Bodypainting and bodyartists
- Bodypainting in NSW Roving performers NSW
- Bodyartists and Bodypainters in Sydney
- Bodypainters for Christmas ideas and quirky events
- Bodypainters in the CBD, Sydney
- Body Painters in the metro area of Sydney
- Bodypainters in the Sydney south of Sydney
- Bodypainters for Halloween parties
- Bodypainters for Sydney hire in Sydney
- Bodypainters looking for to hire bodyartists NSW
- Bodypainters for inner west and CBD events
- Bodypainters for hire in the CBD Metro area
- Face and Bodypainters available for hire in Sydney
- Live Bodypainters in Sydney Live
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- Bodypainters for the Navy Sydney
- bodypainters for ship and cruise events
- Bodypainters for charity services in Sydney
- Bodypainters for commissioned Jobs in Sydney
- Bodypainters for corporate functions in Sydney
- Bodypainters for corporate staff parties
- Bodypainters for children in Sydney
- Bodypainters in Sydney for children face painting
- Bodypainting in Sydney surrounding areas of Sydney
- Bodypainters in Sydney Suburbs, Bodyartists
- Bodypainters in Sydney metro areas, NSW
- Bodypainting in Sydney - Human Statues
- Bodypainters - Human Statue Bodyart Corporate
- Airbrush Bodypainting Sydney - Human Statue Body
- Bodypainting Airbrush Bodyart for special promos
- Bodypainters booking enquires in Sydney
- Bodypainting in Sydney - Annandale and CBD
- bodypainting for events in Sydney - City events
- Bodypainting on Bus Advertising
- Bodypainting Winter Garden Campaign
- Advertising Bodypainting on Buses
- Bodypainting Buses in Sydney
- Sports Bodypainting in Sydney
- Gym Bodypainting and fitness commercials
- Bodypainting Sports models in Sydney
- Bodypainting in Newcastle
- Bodypainting in Sydney Balance Gym
- Fitness models bodypainted in Sydney
- Bodypainters in Newcastle - Gym Bodypainters
- Bodypainting in Sydney - Gym Bodyart
- Balance Bodypainting in Newcastle
- Bodypainting in Sydney - Balance health club
- City Health Club Bodypainting in Sydney
- Bodypainters for Corporate Fitness
- Advertising with Bodypainting in Sydney, Buspak
- Advertising with Bodypainters in Sydney, NSW
- Bodypainting Illusions
- Bodypainting for Sydney - Healthy gym Sydney
- Hire a Living Statue in Sydney, Bodypainting
- Bodypainters in Sydney- Sports Bodypainting
- Bodypainting jungle themes Sydney
- Bodypainting in Sydney Living Live Statues
- Bodypainters for Jungle themed events Sydney
- Bodypainters for hire - Jungle themed events
- Bodypainters for hire - Marquee events in Sydney
- Bodypainters for Jungle, Tarzan and Jane Corporate
- Bodypainters for Hire- Living Statues for Hire
- Bodypainters for Christmas Party Ideas, Launches
- Triple J Bodypainting commercial, Music Video
- Bodypainters, Live Statues, Human Statues for Hire
- Body art Sydney, Body Artists Sydney
- Body Art Corporate Body Artists in Sydney
- Body art NSW, Sydney Bodypainters, Live Statues
- Sydney's leading promotional bodypainters
- Indian Human Statues in Sydney
- Bodypainting gold Indian human statues
- Bodypainting POPAI Marketing and Retail Awards
- Bodypainters Marketing and Retail Awards Sydney
- Awards Bodypainting POPAI retail Marketing Awards
- Bodypainting Gold Trophy Awards Human Statue Body
- Bodypainting Gold Awards Human Statues- Indian
- Bodypainting images for Metallic Gold Bodypaint
- Metallic Gold Liquid Bodypainting in Sydney
- Bodypainting Oscar Awards Trophies- Bodypainters
- Bodypainting for the Academy Awards
- Bodypainting Trophy Award Living Statues Sydney
- Popai Indian Human Statue Bodyart Bodypainting
- Bodypainting Indians in Sydney- Chief Indian
- Chief Indian Bodypainting, Live Statue, Human
- Bodypainting gold indian living statue sydney
- Gold Bodypainting Trophy- Human Statue Sydney
- Bodypainting for presentation awards in Sydney
- Chief Indian Character for hire - Bodypainting
- Bodypainting in Sydney - Human Gold Statues Sydney
- Caesarstone models bodypainted in Sydney
- Bodypainting in NSW - Gold Oscars, Metallic Gold
- Gold Metallic Oscars in Sydney
- Shop for Metallic Gold Bodypainters in Sydney
- Bodypainting gold Oscars and Trophy for corporate
- Bodypainting in Sydney NSW - Gold Bodypainters
- Bodypainters for Gold Metallic events in Sydney
- Bodypainters for Skins Sydney
- Bodypainters for Skin and Sports events in Sydney
- Bodypainters for Airbrush artists in Sydney NSW
- Bodypainting for Medusa
- Bodypainting Catwoman in Sydney Australia
- Medusa Bodypainting Costume
- Bodypainters Sydney - Costume made designs
- Medusa Bodypainters in Sydney - Halloween costumes
- Halloween Bodypainters for Sydney events
- Bodypainters for Sydney events - Costume Parties
- Bodypainters for Sydney Costume Parties
- Bodypainters for sydney events costume designs
- Bodypainting Book Now or your Christmas party
- Hot Kandi Bodypainting by Eva Rinaldi Human
- Bodypainters for Hot Kandi Events
- Bodypainters for Hot Kandi Events, Costuming
- Bodypainters for Hot Kandi Events Halloween
- Bodypainting for Medusa - Human Statue Bodyart
- Bodypainters in Sydney - Hot Kandi Events
- Bodypainting in Sydney for sports events
- Bodypainting for bare basics Bodyart
- Bodypainting for Balance in Sydney
- Bodypainters for health and sports events
- Bodypainting in Sydney Bodypainters for sports
- Bodypainting Sydney human statue promotion
- Bodypainting for Pr Companies and Products
- Bodypainting for Christmas Staff Parties in NSW
- Bodypainters for Sydney Live Bodypainting Jobs
- Bodypainters for Hire in Sydney - Live Bodyart
- Costume Made Costumes for Hot Kandi Events
- Dark Angel Bodypainting Sydney
- Bodypainters and costume designs in Sydney
- Bodypainting in Sydney NSW Regions in Sydney
- Bodypainting Bodypainters in Sydney for hire
- Bodypainting Bodypainters Costume themes
- Bodypainting Bodyartists Bodyart in Sydney
- bodypainters for sydney events and pr companies
- Bodypainting acrobat in Sydney
- Bodypainting in Newcastle Balance gym
- bodypainting NSW corporate events Human Statue
- Enigma Bodypainting
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- Bodypainting images in Sydney
- Cheeky Bodypainting Stunt in Newcastle
- Cheeky Bodypainting stunt turns heads
- Cheeky Bodypainting stunt turns heads Sydney
- Bodypainting in Sydney and PR Stunts Sydney
- Bodypainting Stunts in Sydney Australia
- Bodypaintings Sydney
- Bodypainting, Bodypaintings in Sydney
- Bodypaintings for corporate events
- Body painting Body artists in Sydney
- Bodypainting Sydney and Sydney Pr Campaigns
- body painting in NSW sports bodypainting NRL
- Bodypainting Bodyartists Bodypainters Sydney nsw
- Sydney's Bodypainting services
- Face and Bodypaint World in Sydney
- The Bible Blu-Ray and DVD Launch human statue body
- The Last Supper Human Statues, Bodypainting
- Human Statue Bodyart Biblical Living Statues
- Bodypainting religious themes and costumes
- 20th Century Fox The Bible Blu-Ray and DVD Launch
- The Bible Mini Series Bodypainting Human Statues
- 20th Century Fox The Bible Actors and Costumes
- Bodypainters The Bible Human Statues
- Bodypainting NSW Art Gallery Bodypainting
- Bodypainting at the Art Gallery of NSW Paintings
- Bodypainting for Corporate Art Gallery events
- Bodypainters at the Art Gallery of NSW
- Bodypainters in Melbourne Human Statues
- Melbourne Human Statue Bodyart, Sydney
- Human Statue Bodyart Bodypainting, Bodyartists
- Sydney bodypainting services, suburbs
- Melbourne, Sydney bodypainted models
- Melbourne and Sydney Human Statues and more
- Melbourne and Sydney bodypainted Costume designs
- Living Statues for Corporate events and parties
- Special event bodypainting Sydney
- Melbourne Exhibition Center bodypainting sports
- Bodyartist Sydney, Melbourne, Sydney, Live Statues
- Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane live statues corporate
- Melbourne Living Statues, Corporate events
- Australia Wide Living Statues, Human Statues
- Melbourne and Sydney models bodypainting
- Bodypainting in Melbourne
- Bodypainters in Melbourne and Sydney Human Statue
- Bodypainting in Melbourne CBD
- MCM Bodypainting in Sydney
- Medusa Bodypainting
- Bodypainting Medusa Costume and headrest
- Bodypainting Medusa Costumes
- Snow Queen Bodypainting
- Bodypainters Snow Queen Bodypainting
- Human Statues in Adelaide
- Adelaide Living Statues
- Bodypainting in Adelaide
- bodypainters in Adelaide and Sydney
- Body Painting in Sydney for Statue of Liberty
- Melbourne Human Statues, Living Statues Sydney
- Bodypainting in Sydney Melbourne, Perth, Bodyart
- Body Painters in Melbourne and Sydney, Perth
- bodypainting in Sydney vip events
- Bodypainting in Melbourne Statue Liberty
- Bodypainting Human Statues in Melbourne and Sydney
- Bodypainting models in Sydney
- Bodypainting Models and Dancers Sydney
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- Bodypainting Artists in Melbourne, Sydney,Brisbane
- Human Statues roving artists Sydney
- Bodyartists in Melbourne and Sydney, Brisbane
- Bodypainters for Melbourne Cup
- Bodypainting in Melbourne and Sydney Live Statue
- Archery Bodypainting
- Bow Arrow Bodypainting
- Bodypainting Goddess, Hunting, Bow Arrow
- Archery Human Statues in Sydney and Melbourne
- Human Statues in Melbourne, Brisbane, Sydney
- Bodypainter bow and arrow Human Statues
- Bodypainting in Sydney Archery models
- Archery Bodyart in Sydney
- bike Bodypainting
- Bodypainting in Sydney Bike, Motorcycles
- Henna Temporary Tattoos
- Bodyartist in Sydney and Melbourne
- Bodyartist Proffessional Bodypainters
- Bodypainting Bike, Motorcycles and Cars
- Bodypainters Motorcycle Trade shows
- Telstra Platinum Silver Human Statues
- Silver Business Man Human Statue Bodyart
- Loreal Human Statues in Sydney and Melbourne
- Telstra Business Human Statue Sydney and Melbourne
- Loreal Kiehl's Human Statue bodyart Sydney
- Sydney International Model Human Statue Bodyart
- Sydney International Airport Human Statue Bodyart
- Bodypainters for Telstra
- Platinum Bodypainting, Silver Human Statue
- Bodypainters Telstra Corporate Launches
- Human Statue Bodyart Sydney Telstra Bodypainting
- Telstra Human Statues Chrismas Parties
- Christmas Party Corporate Entertainment Bodyart
- Telstra Platinum Service PromotionSydney,Melbourne
- Silver Suit Live Statues for Technology Sydney
- Kiehl's Australia Statue Of Liberty Human Statue
- Statue Of Liberty Living Statue for Kiehl's
- Bodypainting at Sydney International Airport
- Sydney Airport Melbourne Human Statue Bodyart
- Sydney's Airport Melbourne Airport Bodypainting
- Bodypainting for Christmas events, Dancers Bodyart
- Bodypainting Telstra Christmas Parties
- Bodypainting in NSW corporate Chrismas Parties
- Bodypainting Telstra Platinum bodyartist
- Loreal Bodypainting Sydney Airport
- Bodypainting Human Statues Statue of Liberty
- Little Mermaid Turns 100 Bodypainting
- Bodypainters on You Tube
- Bodypainting Metallic Silver and Gold Human Statue
- Unique Costume Bodypainting Ideas
- Bodypainting Unique Costumes and designs
- bodypainting in Sydney Melbourne, Telstra, Loreal
- Corporate functions Human Statues Bodypainting
- Bodypainted Performers in Sydney and Melbourne
- Silver Safety Living Statues
- Our World Class Human Statues, Roman, Arabian
- Bodypainting for Technology park Sydney
- Bodypainting for recruitment Extra Resources
- Human Statue Bodyart Live Living Human Statues
- Bodypainting in Sydney Unique Christmas events
- google human statues in Sydney
- Bodyart For Telstra and Corporate Sector
- Bodypainting Canberra and Sydney
- Bodypainting SFX in Sydney Australia
- Spectacular Bodypainting in Sydney
- Optus Human Statue Bodyart Bodypainting
- Facepainting for Optus Corporate Parties
- Bodypainting Telstra
- Bodypainting for Christmas Parties and events
- Bodypainting AAPT Animal Print models
- Bodypainting Silver Human Statues Melbourne
- Bodypainters in Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane
- Henna Tattoo artists in Sydney and Melbourne
- Henna Temporary Tattoo artists in Melbourne Sydney
- Temporary Tattoo bodypainters in Sydney
- Bodypainting and Costume Events
- Oktoberfest Bodypainting in Sydney
- Halloween Bodypainters in Sydney
- Movember Bodypainting in Sydney
- Melbourne Cup Entertainers Bodypainting
- Christmas Bodypainting
- 1920's - 1940's Entertainment and Bodypainting
- European History Human Statues in Sydney
- Burlesque and Showgirl bodypainting in Sydney
- Bodypainting Circus and Carnivale in Sydney
- Australia Day Bodypainting in Sydney
- Bodypainting Prehistory and Ancient Times
- Herradura Tequila bodypainting
- MAC Bodypainting in Sydney, Bodypainters
- Bodypainters in Melbourne, Sydney Bodyartists
- Facepainters for Fernhill Racecourse
- Mulgoa Facepainters in Sydney, Entertainment
- Face Painting for Kids in Mulgoa NSW Kids
- Facepainting and Bodypainting in Mulgoa
- Body Painting and Photography in Sydney
- Makeup artists and Body Painters in Sydney
- Body Painters, Body Artists in Sydney, Melbourne
- Body Painters for celebrations in Sydney
- body painters in sydney brisbane and Melbourne
- Body Artist in Sydney and Melbourne, Brisbane
- Bellydance bodypainters
- Snake Chalmers in Sydney
- Christmas Elves in Sydney Human Statue Bodyart
- BMW Bodypainting
- Prestige Bodypainting
- Bodypainting in Sydney NSW Mid Carlton
- Sports Mid Carlton Bodypainting
- ASICS Bodypainting in Sydney
- Asics Bodypainters in Sydney Australia
- Corporate Christmas Party entertainment
- Human Motorcycle Bodypainting
- Bodypainters Human Motorcycles in Sydney
- The All New BMW X5 bodypainting
- Christmas Entertainment
- Bodypainters Central Coast
- Cricket Bodypainting
- Bodypainting Mid Carlton beer bodypaint
- Bodypainting in Sydney Cricket Bodypainting
- Human Motorcycle art boyartists
- Sports and Cricket bodypainting
- Kiss Faces Human Statues
- Statue of Liberty Entertainment
- Green Leprecaun Bodypainting in Sydney
- Christmas Elves Human Statues, Living Statues
- Gold Glitter Bond Girls Living Statues, Bodyart
- Captain Cook Human Statues, Bodypainting
- Roman and Grecian Girls Human Statues Sydney
- Space Girls Human Statues Bodypainting
- Robotic Girls and Human Statues, Bodypainting
- Soldier Human Statues in Sydney
- Movie Camera Statue in Sydney
- Harlequin Human Statues
- Judges Human Statues Bodypainting
- Cupid Living Statues, Human Statues
- Art Gallery Human Statues and Bodypainting Dancers
- Indiginous Human Statues and Bodypainting Sydney
- Tango dancers Human Statues
- Marquee Gold Human Statues in Sydney
- Johnnie Walker Girl Bodypainting in Sydney
- Top Hat Johnnie Walker Models
- Marquee Top Hat Girls
- Marilyn Munro
- Stilt Bodypainting Characters
- Bodypainting Entertainment Technology brands
- Mary Makillop Human Statues
- Pope Living Statues, Human Statue Pope
- Religious and Spiritual Living Statues
- Religious Human Statues in Sydney
- Avatar Human Statue bodyart
- Dancing Art Gallery Human Statues
- Human Statue Dancers
- The Last Supper DVD Launch Bodypainting
- Casting Human Statues in Sydney
- Mary Makillop Living Statues
- Pope Human Statue
- Spiritual Human Statues
- Runway and Fashion Bodypainting
- Bodypainting hits the runway Sydney and Melbourne
- Catwalk and runway bodypainters
- Live Statues in Sydney and Melbourne
- Australia Day Human Statues and Bodypainting
- Live Human Statues in Sydney and Melbourne
- Live Statues in Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane
- Live Statues for corporate events Sydney,Melbourne
- Living Statues for Christmas events in Sydney
- Bodypainting Live Statues in Sydney
- Live Statues in Brisbane and Sydney
- Bodypainting Kids in Sydney
- Painted Alive Human Live Statues in Sydney
- Australia Day Entertainment Bodypainting
- Living Statues for Valentines Day
- Saint Patricks Day Human Statue Bodyart
- Bodypainting Stilt walkers in Sydney and Melbourne
- Runwat Sydney Bodypainting
- Australia day performers Human Statues in Sydney
- Masquerade Venetian dancers
- Catholic Human Statues in Sydney
- Australian Catholic Festival Human Statue Pope
- Festival for Human Statues in Sydney
- Venetian Human Statues in Sydney and Melbourne
- Catholic Living Statues in Sydney and Melbourne
- Anzac Day Human Statues in Sydney
- Cultural Performers and Bodypainting
- Body paint themes, Gala Dinners, Models
- Roving bodypainted performers
- Bodypainted performers trained in dance
- Human Statue Candelbras in Melbourne and Sydney
- Roving Bodypainting Entertainers in Sydney
- Live Statue Roving Performers in Sydney Australia
- Bodypainting Roving artists and performers
- Live Statues in Melbourne, Sydney, Perth
- Christmas tree Living Statues and Bodypainters
- Live Statues in Perth, Sydney, Brisbane, Melbourne
- Music Videos and Bodypainting Live Statues
- Live Statues Human Statue Bodyart
- Live Statues roving performance
- Live Statues Human Entertainment
- Live Statues Human Statue
- Bodypainting BMW
- Live Entertainers in Dance and Bodypainting
- The All New BMW X5 bodyart
- Live Live Statues Sydney
- live statues living statues unique statues, Sydney
- Live Statues Human Statue Live Statues Sydney
- Roving Living Statues in Sydney and Melbourne
- Living Statues - Entertainment like nothing else
- Safari Jungle Bodypainting
- Bodypainting Lion, Tiger, Zebra, Cheetah
- lion bodypainting
- Bodypainting supplies in Sydney
- Bodypainting supply and Bodypainting hire
- Australian Facepainting in Sydney and Melbourne
- Safari and Jungle themed entertainers Sydney
- Stone Human Statues in Sydney
- Stone Grey Human Statues
- Stone Silver Human Statues Sydney Melbourne
- Stone Living statues in Sydney and Melbourne
- Stone Grey Live Statues
- Human Statue Acts in Various Colours, Stone, Grey
- Live Safari Human Statues for Christmas Parties
- Viennese Human Statues in Sydney and Melbourne
- Olympian Living Statues Sydney and Melbourne
- Bodyartists Stone Living Statues Sydney
- Bodypainting models in Sydney and Melbourne
- The Legion Mary Human Statue
- Bodypainting retail in Sydney and Melbourne
- Bodypainting on Tumblr
- Live Bodypainting events in Melbourne and Sydney
- Live Statue roving skilled performers
- Bodypainting on Facebook Sydney
- Bodypainting Stone statues in Sydney
- Bodypainting artists in Melbourne and Sydney
- Live Statues Sydney Human Statue Bodyart
- Body Painters Sydneys leading bodypainter
- bodypainting in Sydney google ad
- Live Skilled Living Statues in Sydney
- live statues roving characters exotic acts
- Bodypainting Actors in Sydney and Melbourne
- Body paint cultural acts and performers
- Explore our bodypainting services
- Live Statues unique corporate entertainment
- Live Statues Browse our talent
- Bodypainting Magicians/Illusionists
- Bodypainting Theatre International
- Awards night bodypainting in Sydney and Melbourne
- Bodypaint performers available Australia Wide
- Bodypaint themes, colour blue, colour bronze
- Bodypainting Ideas in Sydney
- Live Statues Art Gallery NSW
- Mining Living Statues Broken Hill New South Wales
- Broken Hill Corporate Living Statues
- Mining Living Statues and Body painted Dancers
- Legends and Myths, Mythology Living Statues
- 2014 New years bodypainting ideas and events
- Nova Fm Bodypaint, 2 Day fm bodypainting
- mythology bodypainting, bodypainting and mythology
- Ancient Bodypainting Greek Mythology Gods bodyart
- Happy New Year Bodypainting in Sydney, Melbourne
- Bodypainting, Press Bodyart, News Bodypainters
- Live Statues in Sydney and Brisbane
- Living Statues in Brisbane, Broken Hill, Sydney
- Body painted Models, Black light Bodypainting
- Human Statues for regional NSW
- Living Statues in Armidale, Arncliffe, Bankstown
- Living Statues in City, Coffs Harbour, Cowra,
- Living Statues in Dee Why, Dubbo, Gosford
- Living Statues in Hurstville, Liverpool, Lithgow
- Living Statues in Newcastle, Nowra, Maroubra
- Living Statues in Parramatta, Penrith, Port Maq
- Living Statues in Queanbeyan, Canberra, Shell Harb
- Living Statues in Wollongong, Waterloo in Sydney
- Living Statues for Goverment NSW
- Perseus, Caesar, Zeus, Poseidon Live Statues
- Spartans, Colonade, Medusa, Neptune, Greek Pillars
- Body painting Sydney Mardi Gras
- Mick Jagger Human Statue
- Canon Human Statues of Canon
- Hercule: The Thracian Wars Living Statues
- Aphrodite Goddess of Love Human Statue
- Human Statue Bodyart Sydney events
- Human Statue Bodyart Sydney Creative
- Human Statue Bodyart Sydney Business models
- Human Statue Bodyart Sydney Business
- Bodypainting Human Statues
- Human Statue Bodyart Media campaign
- Media portfolio of Human Statue Bodyart
- Insurance industry event ideas
- Corporate and Business events Sydney
- Corporate and business events bodypainting
- Moving art for Australian Galleries
- MLC Live Installation
- Living Art Sydney Melbourne and Perth
- Bodypainting Moving Art
- NewsCorp and News Limited Bodypaint
- News corp and News Limited bodypainting
- Costume design and creative Australia
- Creative Arts and Costumes Sydney
- Special events Creative Art Sydney
- Major bodypainting events in Sydney and Melbourne
- VIP events Living Statues and Moving Art
- Special events and creative in Melbourne
- Bodypaint abd bodyart for ad agencies
- Bodypaint and bodyart for Australia
- Bodypaint and Human Statues Sydney
- Travel Marketing events in Sydney Australia
- Sydney Town Hall creative events Sydney
- Bodypainting for Media events
- Creative Arts and ad campaigns bodypainting
- Dancers and moving art Australia
- Dancers and Moving Human Statues
- Dancers and Living Art Bodypaintings
- Bodypainting for Sydney dance company
- Actors for TV Promotions and DVD Launches
- Carrie DVD Launch Campaign SFX
- Carrie The Movie and DVD Campaign
- SYTYCD Dancers Body painted
- Bodypainters and bodyartist Melbourne, Sydney,
- Bodypainting for SBS Television show
- Toy Soldiers Living Statues
- Bodypainting ideas 2014
- Bodypainters for Pr Promotional Campaigns
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- Body Painter for special events
- Body painter Portraits in Sydney, Melbourne
- Body Painting in Sydney Australia Body Painters
- Body Painters and Body Painting Specialists
- Body Painters Australia Wide
- Body painters for Corporate Event in Sydney Aus
- Body Artists and Body painters NSW
- Agency Bodypainting Sydney Bodypainting Agency
- Airbrush Bodypainting Agency in Sydney
- Advanced Body Art Airbrush Agency
- Body Art Agency in Australia
- Artist and Bodypainters in Sydney
- Sydney's Premier bodypainting supplier
- Public Relations bodypainting fashion and film art
- Bodypainting Mystique
- Costume design and bodypainting
- Gold Oscar Bodypainting Statues
- Christmas and New Years Eve Bodypainting
- Awards Bodypainting Gold Human Statues
- body painters for red carpet events
- Bodyart Dolls Human Statue Bodyart
- About Us
- About Human Statue Bodyart
- Traditional Australian Living Statues
- Celebrity Body painting, Celebrity Living Statues
- Body painting Goddess and God Live Statues
- Greek mythology gods and goddesses popular in Syd
- Greek mythology and Roman mythology god statues
- Body painting defence force, Army, Navy, Military
- Bodypainting food designs and living statues
- Commonwealth Bank Beachley Classic
- Optus One80Project
- Future Music Festival
- Raggamuffin Festival
- Bowl-A-Rama
- Vodafone Australian Cricket
- Virgin Uniform Launch
- Poverty Campaign
- Short and Sweet Newtown Theatre
- Tourism Australia Human Statue Bodyart
- Take 40
- Oxford Art Factory
- Levity Music
- AbbaWorld
- Wags Nation Ladies Lunch Fundraiser
- Sydney Film Festival
- Human Statue Bodyart Phantom of the Opera
- Sydney Body Bike Ride Human Statue Bodyart
- Mobile Boost Surfsho
- Bowl-A-Rama
- Sydney Wildlife World
- Bodyart Music Videos Human Statue Bodyart
- Harry Potter The Exhibition The Powerhouse Museum
- Circus Performers
- Nickelodeon Choice Awards
- Western Sydney Awards In Business Excellence
- Harry Potter Exhibition
- Royals open Danish-Australian Exhibition Bondi
- World Aids Day: Elton John
- Young Talent Time
- Rugby Wallaby Drew Mitchell turns statue
- About Human Statue Bodyart
- Celebrities
- Lady Gaga Makeup
- Michael Bublé
- Rihanna
- Cyndi Lauper
- Ke$ha
- Lionel Ritchie
- Elle Macpherson
- Robert Pattinson
- Katy Perry
- Russell Brand
- Reese Witherspoon
- Russell Crowe
- Chris Isaak
- Roxy Music
- Jimmy Cliff
- ZZ Top
- Jack Black
- Lucy Liu
- I dream of Jeannie
- Tom Felton
- Santana
- Supafest
- Miley Cyrus
- Sharni Vinson
- Lady Gaga
- Danny Green Vs Antonio Tarver
- Enrique Iglesias Euphoria Tour
- Myer Spring Summer Fashion Launch Jennifer Hawkins
- Miranda Kerr Kora Organics Skincare
- Taylor Lautner
- Rowen Atkinson
- Kerrie-Anne Kennerley
- Motley Crue
- Bret Michaels
- Doc Neeson
- Willem Dafoe
- Hugh Jackman
- Isabel Lucas
- Gracie Otto
- Taylor Dayne
- Jason Derulo
- Kendra Wilkinson
- Shane Warne
- Marvin Priest
- Jeannie Mai
- Kim Kardashian and Khloe Kardashian
- Sarah Jessica Parker
- Dolly Parton
- The Pointer Sisters
- Sinead O'Connor
- Kellan Lutz and Sharni Vinson
- Joel Edgerton
- Antonio Banderas
- Salma Hayek
- Stevie Nicks
- Elton John
- Eminem
- Robin Williams
- Jessica Mauboy
- Stan Walker
- Vanessa Hudgens
- Josh Hutcherson
- David Hasselhoff
- Flo Rida
- Delta Goodrem
- Kelly Rowland
- VIP Party
- Wallaby Drew Mitchell Turns Statue
- Jarrod Croker and Joel Edwards Vikings TV Promo
- Corporate
- IGT Bodyart - Human Statue Bodyart
- Australasian Waste and Recycling Expo - Bodyart
- Sydney Opera Bar Bodyart
- Wrigley Bodyart Sydney Australia
- City of Sydney - Human Statue Bodyart Sydney
- Hettich Bodyart Sydney Australia
- Bodyart Bike Ride - Sydney Australia
- Bodyart Sydney Sea Shepherd
- Oprah Winfrey Bodyart
- Bodyart Saturday Disney Bodyartist
- Bodyart - South Africa Tourism Bodyart
- ISSF World Cup Promotional
- Short and Sweet Temporary Tattoo
- Bodyart Eye Balls
- Window Demonstrations Sydney Bodyartist
- Human Statue Bodyart Safety School Zone
- The Sydney Body Art Ride
- Human Statue Bodyart celebrate Specsavers Adelaide
- Sydney Hilton Hotel Zeta Bar tempts and tantalises
- IGT Wins Again with Sex And The City Big Diamonds!
- IGT Sex and The City
- Sydney Hilton Zeta Bar Extreme Cabaret
- Absinth Green Fairy afterparty Hilton Hotel
- Crown Casino
- Australian Football Awards
- Harlequin Bodypaint
- Publicity Campaigns
- Temporary Tattoo Promotions
- Diverse Multimedia Artist
- The Australasian Gaming Expo
- Nova 96.9 bodypaint
- Australasian Gaming Expo Trade Exhibition 2012
- Paltronics
- Bodypainting Sydney Australia
- Western Suburbs Bodypaint
- Eastern Suburbs Bodypaint
- Northern Suburbs Bodypaint Sydney
- Octoberfest Bodypaint Sydney
- Ocktober Fest Bodypaint Sydney
- New Years Eve Bodypaint
- Chinese New Years Eve Bodypaint
- Burlesque Bodypaint Sydney Australia
- Nightclub Bodypaint Sydney Australia
- Corporate Entertainment Sydney Australia
- Conferences Bodyart Sydney
- Green Mermaid Bodypaint
- Luna Park
- Bodypainters CBD Sydney
- Advertising: Marketing Bodypainting
- Body Painter and Artist
- Fashion Shows Body Painting
- Body Painters Fashion Events
- Body Painters Fashion Week
- Alto Tango bodyart entertainment
- Caesarstone Corporate Bodypainting Launch
- BMW Bodypainting Fashion Launch
- AAPT Bodypainting - A night in the Jungle
- Rosehill Racecourse Temporary henna tattoo
- ASX James Bond Bodypainting in Sydney
- Johnnie Walker Gold Bullion Launch
- Telstra Living Statue, Sydney and Melbourne
- Masquerade Venetian dancers Pharmacare
- Loreal Live Statues
- NRL Live Statues
- Broken Hill entertainment and events
- Broken Hill Entertainment for mines in Sydney
- Mining Company entertainment
- Entertainment for mining exploration
- Rio Tinto mining co Entertainment
- Rio Tinto entertainment for mines
- Live Statues for War Memorials in Sydney Australia
- Australian Defence Force, Army, Navy
- Australian Icon Living Statues Anzac Day digger
- Australian Icon Live Statues Ned Kelly Canberra
- Captain Cook, Mermaid Live Statues Sydney
- Australian Live Bodypainted Statues most popular
- Aussie Bodypainting living statues corporate
- Gallery
- Contact Us
- Live Statues
- Brands
- Events
- Halloween Living Statues, Living Trees, Floral
- Hire a Human Statue in Sydney and Melbourne
- Skin Bodypainted model in Melbourne, Sydney, Perth
- Sydney bodypainter and bodyartist in Sydney, Melb
- Human Statues for NSW mining
- Living Statues for regional Australia
- Live Statues for rural NSW
- Broken Hill and Sydney entertainment and mines
- Live Statues mining BHP, CAT
- Dubbo and Broken Hill Entertainment
- Karvezide Bodyart
- Hilton Hotel Bodyart
- Skins Bodyart
- Peroni Bodyart
- Corona Bodyart
- Anglicare Bodyart
- Coca-Cola Bodypaint
- VW Facepainting
- Levis Bodypaint
- Vodafone Bodypaint
- Schick Synchronised Bodyart
- Sony
- Bodyart Window Demonstration
- Ducati Launch
- Giorgio Armani Code Sport Launch
- Specsavers Westfield Parramatta Green Human Statue
- Star City Casino
- G-Shock - Casio
- Myer Spring Summer Fashion
- Guess hosts ladies night with CLEO Bachelors;
- Ivy Bar
- Hilton Hotel Sydney
- Nightclub Launch
- Hotel Promotions
- Bodyartist Airbrush Sydney Australia
- Movie Premieres Bodyart
- Incredible Hulk Bodyart
- She Hulk
- Spiderman Superhero
- Spiderwoman Bodyart
- Black Widow Bodypaint
- Thor Bodypaint
- Captain America Bodyart
- Iron Man Bodypaint
- Superman Bodyart
- Staff Parties Entertainment Bodypaint
- Red Carpet Entertainment
- Vip Functions Bodypaint Entertainment
- Television Shows Bodypaint
- Television Studios
- Entertainment Productions Bodypaint
- TV Advertising Bodypaint
- Advertising Bodypaint Bodyart Sydney
- Body Painters Sydney City
- Body Painters Human Living Statues
- About Us Body Painters Sydney
- Living Statue: About Us Sydney
- Bodypainters Media Events Sydney
- Zeta Bar Body painting Entertainment
- Live Body painting peformances Exhibitions in CBD
- Body Artists Glitter Paint, Latex Paint Full Body
- Bodypainting events season Human Statue Bodyart
- Vintage Sports Entertainment and Live Statues
- Character Entertainers Sydney Living Statues
- Bronze and Gold, Copper Living Statues in Sydney
- Skin bodypainted model Sydney and Adelaide
- Events
- Press
- Katy Perry Purr Press Conference
- Arthur Press Conference
- Water for Elephants Press Conference
- Owen Wilson Red Carpet Premiere
- Bryan Ferry Press Conference
- Michael Bublé Press Conference
- Pirates of The Caribbean Red Carpet Premiere
- Oranges and Sunshine Red Carpet Premiere
- Red Carpet Premiere Thor
- Vines Live @ The Chapel
- 127 Hours Red Carpet Premiere
- Press Release
- Kylie Minogue Aphrodite - Les Folies tour
- Living Between Fucks Premiere
- Exporting Raymond Premiere
- Disney Pixar Cars 2 Black Carpet Premiere
- Kung Fu Panda Red Carpet Premiere
- Bridesmaids Pink Carpet Premiere
- Jane Eyre Red Carpet Premiere
- Human Statue Bodyart Gaga Monster Ball
- Dry For July Launch
- Sydney Body Art Ride
- RALPH Australian Swimwear Model of the Year
- Cleo Bachelor of the Year
- Nikki Phillips Launches NIKKINC
- Red Dog Premiere
- The Green Lantern
- Horrible Bosses Premiere
- Johnny English Reborn Red Carpet Premiere
- Crazy Stupid Love Red Carpet Premiere
- The Star (formally known as Star City Casino)
- The Hunter Red Carpet Premiere Sydney
- Real Steel Red Carpet Premiere
- Melbourne Cup Movie Sydney Premiere
- Warrior Sydney Premiere
- Elle Macpherson new face of Invisible Zinc Myer
- The Star The Darling
- Australia's Next Top Model
- Star City Casino - Darling
- 33 Postcards Australian Premiere
- Al Pacino Star City Casino
- The Stars' Darling Sokyo Japanese Restaurant: Chef
- Songs of Protest
- Puss in Boots Australian Premiere
- Jameson IF Awards Sydney
- Sculpture By The Sea: Royal Gathering Bondi Beach
- SLAM Summer Beach Volleyball Festival Launch
- Take 40 Summer Stars Party - Sponsored by Toyota
- David Guetta
- Musicians and Machines
- Take 40 Stars Of Summer’ Party Returns To Sydney
- Premiere Props To Auction Items From John Wayne,
- System Of A Down To Do SoundWave Festival
- 2250 Elvis fans And 14 Elvis's Shake Rattle
- Reece Mastin is the Winner of The X Factor 2011
- Kellan Lutz and Sharni Vinson; Entertainment
- GQ Australia Man Of The Year Joel Edgerton
- SLAM Summer Beach Volleyball Festival Launch
- Roxette To Play 3rd Sydney Australia Show
- Sydney Resolution Concert Series:
- Sunglass Hut marked the start of the summer season
- Gurrumul and Mauboy to perform for Obama
- Take 40 Live Lounge with LMFAO
- Field Day 2012 lineup on Music News Australia
- Woman’s Day Miss Country Girl Australia On Sydney
- V8 Supercars Gala Awards
- Hard Rock Cafe Darling Sydney Harbour
- Hidden Treasures of Sydney; Photography Award
- Hard Rock Cafe Darling Harbour Media And Celebs
- Womans Day Miss Country Girl
- V8 Supercars
- Advertisers
- Sydney Resolution New Year’s Eve Concert Review;
- Journey 2: The Mysterious Island Australian Tour;
- Supafest 3
- Justice Crew
- One Direction
- March To Merivale
- Conference Publicity
- Publicity Stunt
- Club Promotions
- Australian Nickelodeon Kids’ Choice Awards
- Australias Next Top Model
- Steve Waugh, Battle of the Smashers
- Cosplay bodypainting in Melbourne and Sydney
- Blogger
Welcome to Human Statue Bodyart and Living Statues Human Statue Bodyart primarily offers bodyart, bodypainting, human statues, unique high end collection of costumes to fit any theme out of the box corporate entertainment.
We have studios, artists, models and performers in most regions of Australia including Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Perth, Adelaide, Canberra, Gold Coast, Cairns, Darwin, Forster Human Statue Bodyart is a Sydney based bodyartist and human statue creative arts, marketing and events company. They were established in 2001 by creative artist and photographer, Eva Rinaldi. In 2013 Human Statue Bodyart expanded considerably, and launched Human Entertainment - formalising the true nature of their work, which includes a wide array of creative arts and entertainment services, which far exceeds traditional bodyart, bodypainting and human statue parameters. Human Statue Bodyart helps brands and individuals stand out from the pack, and assists them in meeting their image, branding and event aims and objectives. Some of the brands that Human Statue Bodyart have assisted in their campaigns include Virgin, VW, Holden, IGT, World Vision, Anglicare, Skins, Eclipse, Waste and Recycling Expo, Peroni, Sony Music BMG, Take40 Australia, EMI, Levity Music, Karvezide, ANZ, Oxford Arts Factory, Levis, City Of Sydney, National Rugby League, Australian Shooting Championships, ACP Magazines (Cleo), Vogue, Swarovski, Sydney Opera Bar and Coca-Cola, Foxtel (The Comedy Channel), DC Comics - Warner Bros. (Injustice - 'Gods Among Us'), Entertainment Quarter, Hilton Hotel, Art Gallery of NSW, 20th Century Fox and much more. Human Statue Bodyart is the recognised leader in the Australian bodypainting, bodyart and human statue creation industry and is frequently mentioned in the Australian and international news media. They have won a number of awards and commendations over the years including media social and community entrepreneur of the month, Chalk The Walk and Penrith Arts. Contact Eva and her team today to see how they can help make you stand out from the pack.
Bodyart and bodypainting are powerful ways to advertise products and services, using creativity that makes you look twice and really sends out a huge statement! Examples include:
PRODUCT LAUNCHES, FASHION PARADES & EVENTS Body art can be used in many forms for events and product launches to gain media attention and create a unique and eye-catching piece of art for guests to talk about. Examples include:
Body art can be used in fashion shows to accentuate designs in the form of:
WEBSITES Human Statue Bodyart Facebook:
Human Statue Bodyart Flickr:
Eva Rinaldi Photography Portfolio
NEWS Sydney Cricket Bollywood Corporate Event Holiday Inn Oscar Living Statue The Living Room TV Show Australian Museum Shoot Click Frenzy To Go Wild In 2014 The Fault in Our Stars DVD Launch WSFM Pure Gold Live Event at Hordern Pavilion V8 Supercars Gold Coast X-Men: Days Of Future Past Juvenile Arthritis Foundation Dinner at Doltone House Darling Harbour Smooth Chocolate Festival at the Rocks Rio 2 Carnival at Australia Zoo City of Kalgoorlie-Boulder Art Prize 2014 Red Arts Festival in Karratha Wishlist Spring Racing Carnival in Caloundra The Lockhearts - Freakshow Music Video Swarovski - Vogue Fashion Night Out Eve by Fridcorp - bodypainted trees MGM's 90th Anniversary Rocky Bluray Release #RockyBluRay #RingGirls Gamora Bodypainting - Guardians of The Galaxy Bodyart Archibald Prize - Private Viewing Art Gallery NSW TabCorp Gaming Solutions - Australasian Gaming Expo Sydney The Grand Budapest Hotel DVD Launch Living With The Enemy coming soon on SBS Silver Guest Book Human Statue: Conca D'oro - The Regal 2DayFM's Gold Rush Party for Ellie Goulding Fugi Xerox Wine Launch in Barossa Valley Andy Warhol Inspired Pop Art: Statue Of Liberty JDRF Gala Ball: Melbourne, Sydney, Perth, Brisbane Italian Festival: Ettalong Beach Central Coast So You Think You Can Dance - 6 Finalists Body painted Jarrod Croker and Joel Edwards - Vikings TV Promotion Meerkats gets a BIG congratulations from News Samsung Galaxy behind the scenes TVC Commercial 2014 AFL Premiere Season Launch in South Australia Shaun Micallef: Mad As Hell Human Statue Cupid Living Statues at Central Living Mall - Valentine's Day Greeters give flowers for Lancome Women's Day Rolling Stones Covers Exhibition - Shoalhaven Arts Centre Women Say Something - Dancing on The Ceiling, Sydney Town Hall Westfield Bondi Junction - Kiehl's Statue Of Liberty Demigods surprise Sydneysiders by appearing in the city in search of the Golden Fleece. 20th Century Fox: Percy Jackson 2 DVD Launch Australian Fast Bowler James Pattinson for the best dressed competition Australian Catholic and Youth Festival Human Statues Rea Awards, Bodypainted Dancers, Art Gallery Of Sydney CIO Networking Evening, Bodypainted Dancers Loreal, Kiehl's Statue Of Liberty Telstra Platinum Product Launch The REA Awards - Art Gallery of NSW Medusa and Snow Queen Bodypainting The Bible Blu-Ray and DVD Launch VIDEO - The Stars Party At Our Stars Of Summer Party With Jamiroquai! VIDEO- Celebrating McDonalds Loose Change Menue VIDEO - Alto Tango Media Launch Bodypainting at Zeta Bar VIDEO- Waratahs rugby union player Drew Mitchell gets bodypainted VIDEO- Wippa races a horse for The Golden Wippa Wippa runs City2Surf in red body paint for Cancer Council Opposites Attract media Campaign Bodypainting Promotional Video Balance Gym Promotional Advertising 2013 Pirtek Parramatta Presentation Evening - Body Painting Human Statues Aqua Dining Group Spring Series and Bodypainting in Sydney Caesarstone Colour Collection Living Human Statues Johnnie Walker Gold Bullion Body Painting Alto Tango Body Painting - Sydney Zeta Bar Alto Tango at Zeta Bar, Sydney Hilton Hotel, Sydney, Australia A Great Body Of Work - Inner West Courier In pictures: CIO Networking Evening - Live Art - Slideshow - CIO Injustice: Gods Among Us Video Game Launch Novafm Golden Wippa Race - Wippa vs Horse Secret Garden Zeta Bar Bodypaint Waratahs rugby union player Drew Mitchell gets bodypainted view video here Goldfinger Bodypainting Entertainment Human Statue Bodyart creates statues for Chimmichurri Bar & Grill, Darlinghurst, Sydney Zeta Bar Hilton Hotel presents Statue Of Liberty at Coney Island Zeta Bar Hilton Hotel presents Coney Island Australasian Gaming Expo Trade Exhibition, Paltronics City 2 Surf news report: Human Statue Bodyart paints Nova96.9 runner Wippa Coney Island Mermaid entertains Zeta Bar - Hilton Hotel Sydney pair pull Beastie Boys stunt at MCA - NineMSN Sydney bodyartist Eva Rinaldi unveils SMH human newspaper statue for eco expo Eva Rinaldi: Bodyartist, artist, photographer, community entrepreneur Human Statue Bodyart: Sydney based fitness reality TV show gets bodypaint March Into Merivale Launch Party 2012 Mulberry celebrates Vogue's Fashion Night Out in Sydney, by Eva Rinaldi - 8th September 2011 Specsavers Seeing Merit In Human Statues, by Eva Rinaldi - 13th August 2011 Human Statue Bodyart creates statues for Chimmichurri Bar & Grill, Darlinghurst, Sydney Nova 969 promotion and handicap (1350m) at Rosehill Racecourse with models |