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Geoff Huegill Splashes into Giorgio Armani CODE SPORT
Newly appointed from the UK, Ed Holmes, General Manager for L'Oreal Designer Luxury Brands including the master brand Giorgio Armani hosted a luxurious launch for the much anticipated Men's fragance, CODE SPORT.
Giorgio Armani's Acqua di Gio Pour Homme has held the no. 1 men's fragrance ranking in Australia for the past 7 years, with CODE SPORT to be the new player on the market and in the Giorgio Armani portfolio The release of the new Code fragrance is also Armani Code Sport radiates freshness, excitement, adrenaline and seduction.
The Launch took place in Sydney's Martin Place some of the guests that featured at the Sydney Launch were Geoff Huegill (who took the first title in the 100m butterfly since the 2004 Australian Swimming Championships and adds to the momentum the 32-year-old continues to build ahead of the 2012 London Olympic Games).
L'Oreal Luxury's Ed Holmes, Christine Bourke and Camille + Chad Walker.
Armani's, Sally Pitt, Mathew Mitcham, Marc Freeman, Camilla Freeman, Bondi's rescue Cory Oliver, Andrew Reid, Trent Maxwell + Bruce Hopkins.
Steve Corica (Sydney FC), Nicky Oatley and Troy Tindell.
For more information visit www.giorgioarmani.com