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I Dream of Jeannie cast visit Sydney Olympic Park, by Eva Rinaldi 18th June 2011
I Dream of Jeannie Fans had their wishes granted today as the cast of the hit '60s series headed down under for Supanova at the Dome in Sydney.
Barbera Eden and 79-year-old Hagman are still hanging out together. The pair have been spotted attending fan and pop culture conventions for I Dream of Jeannie.
Their co-star Bill Daily (Major Roger Healy), who Eden describes as "adorable" also joined them for the pop culture festival in Sydney and Perth.
"I'm looking forward to it," Eden says.
"It's been a long time since I've been to Sydney and Perth."
The Supanova pop culture convention will be held in Sydney on June 18 and 19 and in Perth on June 25 and 26.