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The Oxford Art Factory is pleased to announce that we’re now able to provide Corporate Event Managers a unique venue with a difference.
We understand that it takes time to organise the perfect event, that’s why we provide you with a cost effective comprehensive event package. Our experienced events team will work with you on every aspect from inception to completion, ensuring a flawlessly executed event, guaranteed to remain in the memory of your clients and guest for years to come.
Not only are we able to provide you with a world class venue with state of the art facilities, we also offer you the benefit of our strong and long term relationships with industry experts to ensure a first class experience for you and your guests.
Situated just minutes from Sydney’s CBD it’s easily accessible by foot or public transport and is available for both day and evening events.
Whether it be a PR / Media event, product launch, networking or cocktail function, award ceremony, industry showcase, after party, end of financial year function, Christmas or Melbourne Cup function, fashion parade or a team building day, the Oxford Art Factory can accommodate any event or function you can imagine.
For more information or to request a quote or site inspection, please email functions@oxfordartfactory.com with the following information: