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Mia Wasikowska attended the Sydney premiere of her new movie, “Jane Eyre” by Eva Rinaldi
Mia Wasikowska attended the Sydney premiere of her new movie, “Jane Eyre” tonight at the State Theatre.
The actress has worn a white sequin dress on the red carpet recently and that trend continued when she recently wore a Elie Saab Spring 2011 Couture dress in Los Angeles.
If you look hard enough this dress appears to be a shorter modified version of a white a-line cocktail dress with floral appliqués and sequin embellishment was paired with black Brian Atwood ‘Wagner’ peep-toes.
Mia never tends to do much with her hair, but I guess the fact that she was wearing Couture convinced her that it was time to do something different.
It’s a simple down hairstyle, but it works perfectly with her as does her natural hair and make-up.