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It was a beautiful evening on the Sydney Harbour last night as we held our massive Take 40 Stars of Summer Party thanks to SingStar at the 'PlayStation' mansion in Point Piper.
Complete with body painted models, by Eva Rinaldi and synchronized swimmers, games of croquet and plenty of beautiful people, Jamiroquai
impressed the crowd with their performance upon a perspex stage over the pool with an amazing view of the yachts in the harbour!
DJ Havana Brown kept the party rolling with her tunes and everyone enjoyed having a go at the SingStar games set up in the lounge room!
Jamiroquai's set was spectacular, with their classic hit Cosmic Girl a definite highlight and crowd favourite! Before playing, frontman Jay Kay asked if it would make Australia happy to hear the song -- and of course, it did!
Even Underbelly star Alex Dimitriades jumped on the DJ decks for a bit -- party times!
Check out all the party photos from the night AND the stars on the red carpet!
Stay tuned to take40.com for a sneak peek of Jamiroquai's performance!
Watch all the action from the party below!