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Human Statue Bodyart was contacted by premier women's and men's shaving company, Schick, to assist in a launch of new Schick shaving products.
Former Australian Olympic swimming champion Giaan Rooney was on hand, as synchronized swimmers performed in the pool, with Human Statue Bodyart waterproof, yet removable, tattoos on their highly trained legs!
Human Statue, Giann and the synchronized swimmers helped turn an every day product into quite a hip event which the public and media got rather excited about.
Schick invites women to transform their legs at free synchro classes
Legs were in the air tonight at Sydney's Andrew Boy Charlton swimming pool as synchronised swimming became the latest 'must-try' fitness trend! As the city lights went down the Schick Sydney Emeralds displayed the moves that keep their legs in such great shape and brought synchronised swimming into the 21st Century in an amazing demonstration of skill, stamina and grace.
To keep fit women of Australia have tried pole dancing, trapeze, perhaps even Burlesque, now they're being encouraged to try synchronised swimming! Schick is inviting women to dip their toes in the water and take the Schick Intuition Challenge- free synchronised swimming classes at select Fitness First gyms along the east coast of Australia.
Campaign ambassador Giaan Rooney said, "As a former Olympic swimmer who is used to mainly swimming laps in the pool, synchronised swimming looks amazing fun. I'm encouraging everyone (even my friends) to come down and take the Schick Intuition Challenge classes. It's just the basics so women needn't be nervous and what better way to tone those bums and tums!"
The Schick Intuition Challenge classes will be taught by the Schick Sydney Emeralds and even non-Fitness First members can come in and take a class for free.
o o 29th September 2009 - Fitness First St Leonards, 55 Christie Street, St Leonards NSW
o o Class 1: 7-7:45pm and Class 2: 7:45-8.30pm
o o 29th September 2009 - Fitness First Lutwyche, 461-473 Lutwyche Street, Lutwyche QLD 4030
o o Class 1: 6:30-7:15pm and Class 2: 7:15-8pm
o o 30th September 2009 - Fitness First Bayside, 241-245 Bay Road, Highett, VIC 3190
o o Class 1: 6-6:45pm and Class 2: 6:45-7:30pm