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The wait is over for the highly anticipated Cleo Bachelor Of The Year. The man of the hour, who is too sweet to be sour is 25 year old Aussie Olympic swimmer Eamon Sullivan.
One gets the feeling 'Our Eamon' is going to be working hard, and playing much harder, such is the pace for Australia's most eligible bachelor.
A Cleo insider said "Eamon's mobile and email went crazy soon after the announcement. He's got hot dates for months in advance, if he wants them".
The black-tie dinner was held at Justin Hemmes' The Ivy in 'Sin City' Sydney. The ballroom had never looked or smelt better.
The delightful Cleo editor Gemma Crisp advised picking the winner a hard decision, but Eamon was a deserving winner.
"Eamon is the perfect Cleo Bachelor – he’s charismatic, he’s ambitious, he’s intelligent, he’s amazing in the kitchen, and he’s also the proud dad of his adorable French bulldog, Baxter. What girl doesn’t melt at the sight of a hot guy with a cute dog?
"The fact that he’s ripped and has a couple of Olympic medals lying around at home doesn’t hurt either!" said the queen on the ultra popular magazine.
Eamon was a massive online hit with the voting public, even besting other favs such as Anthony “Harries” Carroll from Bondi Rescue fame and talented Neighbours actor Scott McGregor.
Sullivan is tipped for a start and top performance in the 2012 London Olympics. He snatched the top prize - a groovy custom painted Nissan Micra worth a cool $15,990.
Home And Away actor Dan Ewing grabbed runner-up, and it seems the 300 plus crowd poped more for Ewing more than for Sullivan. The hunk-o-man also walked away with a holiday for two at The Westin Denarau Island Resort & Spa in Fiji, including return airfares. The prize is valued at $5,600, and we hear lot of ladies have already let 'Our Dan' know they love Fiji (and him).
Popular Triple J radio announcer Paul Verhoeven came third, scooping a $1,000 wardrobe thanks to Lee. Paul has a great sense of humour, and to die for looks.
The Cleo music video promos were great, as was the feed and drinks, and a big thank you to Jackie from catering and Roxy and all the great girls at Sweaty Betty PR.
Cleo, Ivy and everyone involved in organising tonight did a top job.
Cleo magazine sales are expected to skyrocked in May, and the mobile phones of all the bachelors are predicted to be ringing off the hook for many months before the heat dies down.
Be sure to check out our great photos and video footage of the evening. If you didn't make it, fear not, there's plenty of eye candy for sexy boys and girls right here, with host Sophie Monk doing a fine job on the mic, leaping out of her regular comfort zone.
See you back there again guys (and girls)...all 50 of you - do your best to make the most of your Cleo bragging rights, you earned it.