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Press Release
Human Statue Bodyart: Bodypaint and Human Statues Helping Brands Stand Out From The Pack
Australia's leading Bodyart artist and human state creator Eva Rinaldi has embarked on her latest campaign aimed to help both corporate brands and celebrities stand out from the pack, thus getting a competitive advantage.
Bodypaint has long been a way to attract attention from media and the public at large.
One doesn't have to think hard to come up with a list of brands and individuals who have successfully used bodypaint to stand out over the years. There's KISS, Lady Gaga, Kesha, Alice Cooper, Virgin, Vodafone and so the list goes on.
Eva created her Human Statue Bodyart empire in the late 1990's, before there was a ready market in Australia, and then in circa 2000 bodypaint become in vogue, now tied into world famous events like the Sydney Body Art Bike Ride and World Naked Bike Ride.
She has worked and collaborated with impressive entities such as Sydney Opera Bar, Virgin, Take 40, Lady Gaga, Katy Perry, Vodafone, Coca-Cola, Eclipse, Australasian Gaming Expo, VW, Holden, Australasia Waste and Recycling Expo.
One of the more effective bodypaint and Bodyart collaborations is for shop front window displays. Human Statue's campaigns have helped draw in multiple hundreds of people, like the time popular jeans retailer Levi's had a group of dozens of people waiting in line outside their Melbourne, Chadstone store to purchase jeans after being triggered by the eye catching promotion. Temporary tattoo's can also whip up a storm like the time they did water resistant temp tattoos on the legs of synchronized swimmers for the launch of a new Schick razor promotion at Andrew Boy Chanton Swimming Pool in Sydney.
Eva's media appearances have included The Daily Telegraph, The Sydney Morning Herald, Channel Seven 'Today', 'The Morning Show', ABC News, Inner West Courier, The Glebe, The Southern Courier, The Wentworth Courier, New Idea, and now she is ready to share some of her marketing and media secrets in a special promotional package she's put together for Australia's small, medium and big business sector, as well as for celebrities and their agents.
Ms Rinaldi said "In today's competitive business environment, be it in the corporate or entertainment industry, standing out from the pack is more important than ever. Grabbing the public and media's attention is not always easy, but with the right product or service, backed up by a dynamic body painting or human statues, this can help make all the difference. Whether you're Coca-Cola, Virgin, Lady Gaga, a car showroom, a concert promoter, a cruise liner, a celebrity agent, or something else altogether, bodypaint, shop front window displays and our other offerings can really help drive your business forward. We've been helping brands and people stand out for a decade now and we've put together a special package incorporating some secrets of branding, media and marketing that we've learned over the years. With winter sneaking up on all of us the time to take pro active action with your business promotion is now".
For those who have yet to be impressed by Human Statue Body art’s creations be sure to examine their website @
Contact Human Statue Bodyart today and ask Eva and her team about their special Autumn and Winter Bodyart and Human Statue package promotions to help ensure that you and your business don't get left out in the cold. Discover why body painting and Bodyart can be just the shot in the arm that you've been waiting for. Satisfaction guaranteed.
For more information contact:
Eva Rinaldi
t: (02) 9713 8933
m: 0458 705 825
w: www.humanstatuebodyart.com.au
Member: Media, Entertainment & Arts Alliance