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Sydney Wildlife World welcomes the birth of Joey Koala Boonda
To Celebrate the birth of it's new koala named Boonda, Sydney Wildlife World launched KOALA HQ to help raise much needed awareness regarding the importance of conserving on of Australia's most iconic and adored marsupials in July 2011.
To coincide with July school holidays, KOALA HQ will offer visitors an up close and personal glimpse of Boonda, the new Joey Koala, in it's open air habitat.
Daily talks will also take place on the hour between 4.00pm and offer visitors an insight into the importance of saving Australia's favourite icon and debunk some popular myths around our fluffy little friends.
Sydney Wildlife World's resident vet, Dr Sam Gilchrist, said the Joey is going through an important stage of bonding with it's mother Elle, who is carefully guarding and protecting the little Joey during it's early months.
"The new Joey at Sydney Wildlife World provides us with a timely reminder on the importance in continuing to raise awareness on the critical steps that need to be taken for ensuring a safe future for Australia's Koala population."
Sydney Wildlife World
Eva Rinaldi Photography