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Human Statue Bodyart was contacted by Wrigley's to bring to life their vision of an eye catching display at the world famous Sydney Mardi Gras.
We made up 6 models in bodyart, bodypaint and make-up.
The models were covered virtually head to toe in Wrigley's green bodypaint, handing out Wrigley's mouth freshener products to the excited audience, as everyone danced to 'Total Eclipse Of The Heart'.
Human Statue has since been contacted by many companies associated with the Sydney Mardi Gras to also being their campaigns to life, ensuring that they are always the life of the party and talk of the town.
The client achieved wow factor, return on investment, and all under budget.
‘Powerful Fresh Breath’
ECLIPSE™ Mints launched in 2005 and are packaged in a stylish tin offering Powerful Fresh Breath. These sugarfree mints are perfect for people whose on-the-go lifestyle demands a breath freshener that really delivers. Available in the following flavours: Spearmint, Peppermint, Intense, Cool Breeze and Blackcurrant